Saturday, July 31, 2010

Closing of July 2010

End of July 2010! Tujuh bulan sudah. Ini bermakna sudah kira-kira 28 minggu daripada 52 bagi tahun 2010 kita dah lalui.

Ingat ini? Senarai resolusi yang saya buat pada awal tahun 2010? Lihat juga tracking saya bagi January di sini, February di sini, April di sini dan May di sini. Somehow, I forget to track my March and June.

Unlike my previous entries on tracking them all, I'm just going to ramble about my resolution numero dua only. That's where I did my best anyway heh heh.

Here goes...

2. Saya akan membaca sekurang-kurangnya satu buku setiap bulan tanpa mengira genre cerita tersebut.
I can pat meself on the back when it comes to this. Up to end of July 2010, I have read not 7, but 31 books (well.. almost as I am still reading the 31st book). In July alone, I read 6 books (June takde baca buku langsung!). I am bad at giving review. Let's just note whether I like em or not shall we? Here's my list for July..

1. TAPAI by Hishamudin Rais. Entertaining short stories about food and eateries which the writer went. Yeah, entertaining altough I don't quite agree with certain things that he practices.

2. CINTA SUFI by Ramlee Awang Murshid. The last addition to Laksamana Sunan series. Among all 4 in this series i.e. Bagaikan Puteri, Cinta Sang Ratu, Hijab Sang Pencinta and Cinta Sufi, I love Hijab Sang Pencinta most. As if, his writing matured as he got along from the 1st book to the 3rd. I expected something 'more' in his 4th but just could not find it. Something is just lacking. But I like the tagline on the cover - sekali kurebah, sejuta kali kubangkit.

3. A RELIABE WIFE by Robert Goolrick. My first english novel for July. If you ask, I concluded this novel amongst 'sederhana'. The plot is predictable and the story is a bit 'too young' to my age.

4. THE LAST SONG by Nicholas Sparks. Again, I am way too old for this kind of I-love-you-you-love-me kinda. I might enjoy it (and book no 3, A RELIABE WIFE) if I am in my late teens or early twenties. But now that I am 36... I'll just leave it on the shelve for Kakak when she's old enough for these.

5. BERCINTA SAMPAI KE SYURGA. Sambungan kepada buku pertama, Aku Terima Nikahnya by Hasrizal Abdul Jamil, better known as Saifulislam (web here) in the cyber world. Light reading, soup for the soul I'd say. The writer should be careful as ada isi yang bertindan dengan buku pertama. Buku ini menyentuh isu-isu perhubungan kekeluargaan, sebagai suami isteri, sebagai ibu bapa, sebagai anak. Cukup mengingatkan saya walaupun sudah berumahtangga hampir 10 tahun, itu bukan jaminan bahagia sepanjang hayat dan walaupun sudah bergelar ibu hampir 9 tahun, masih terlalu banyak ilmu keibubapaan yang harus saya pelajari!

6. THE HUT OF LEAPING FISHES by Chiew-Siah Tei. I am only quarter-way through and enjoying every page of it (so far).

So, what have you read? Care to share?


aida said...

cantiknya layout baru...

semenjak jadi housewife ni, rajin betul akak update blog.. tskkk

dan buku-buku, banyaknya baca.. sukanyaaa (buku saya tak bergerak lagi :P)

ummi said...

aida ~ standard template ajer dari blogspot... hemm.. dah lebih masa lapang, tu yang memblog ajer kerjanya heh heh. nway, ni tgh dok baca buku2 yg dah lama beli tapi berhabuk tak baca lagi.

K.lela said...

Saya pun beli buku Bercinta Sampai Ke Syurga tu dalam 3 mths back masa MPH buat warehouse sale kat Menara...( tapi malu nak bagitau, baru baca separuh tak habis habis lagi sampai laa ni ..hishh)

ummi said...

k lela ~ eh.. sama la.. saya pon beli kat menara. tp okaylah tu, baca gak kan. I have few books bought years ago tp tak baca2 lagi :P