Sunday, February 28, 2010

Closing of February 2010

There's two things to note about February, my February.

I read 8 books in February! Yes people, e.i.g.h.t! Well almost, actually since I'm not done with one with the tittle A Long Way Gone. But anyway, never in my life have I been so hooked up reading. Thing is, it took me so long to gain the momentum but once I've gained it, it's hard to stop. Okay peeps, let's give me a pat on the back.

Secondly, I made progress where Iman is concerned. Read how my made my first step here. And my second here. To some of you who might have known what I'm up to, just keep it a secret at the moment will ya? Until I get everything in document, approved and signed, I'll spill the whole lot of beans.

Another big thing is that, we went for a picnic (read here) It was a last minute plan actually. Thanks to the tension that's been sorrounding Tebby, it made out little getaway a reality. Tho it was just a day trip, it was good to spend time with our loved ones.

My Y.E.S fund is not making any positive progress, yet. Well, there was a slight 'kchengggg' at my cash register but nothing to shout about. At least I was not living solely on Tebby's allowance like I did in January.

What I did poorly was in the department of cooking. I hardly tried anything new as I had listed in my 2010 resolution. As you can see from the top, right hand side of my blog, I just tried 4 recipes, only 1/2 of what I'd planned earlier.

Anyway, tomorrow will mark the first day of March 2010. How time really flies!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Piknik di Port Dickson

PD.. here we come!!

It was not planned for. Thanks to all the tension revolved around us these few days. Out of the blue Tebby suggested for a picnic. So, picnic it was then. Kalau pegi dekat-dekat sangat, takde feel lah kan. Given pantai or sungai, Kakak pilih pantai. No pantai in KL except two that I know of, one being the place where I work (Pantai Baharu) and the other one is where I often have my lunch date (Pantai Dalam). Those, are far cry from sandy, watery beach. Yang ada cuma kesesakan jalanraya saja.

So, Port Dickson then. Tak jauh sangat, tak dekat sangat. Specifically Blue Lagoon. Takdenya Brooke Shields yerrr kawan-kawan. And it was a day trip, pegi pagi, balik petang. Ni langkah-langkah penjimatan juga.

Early birds as we always are, kami sampai PD around 9 am. Dah ada orang tapi tak ramai sangat so we got to secure a spot under pokok2 and very near to the bontot of our kereta. The kids, yang belum sarapan, terus aje nak pegi main kat air and insisted that they were not hungry. Ye lah tu, sikit jam lepas tu, depa makan sandwich sampai tak ingat Umminya huh. Since I forgot to bring apa-apa peralatan untuk main pasir, makanya belilah a bucket with all those penyodok and whatnots. Also a ball for Adam. Kononnya takut Adam nak tidur nanti, I bought one tikar to place the tilam which we brought from KL. The tilam never left the boot anyway he he. Ye lah, why sleep when you can have fun, kan Adam?

Since it was just 9, air masih pasang. I was wondering, whylah people flock there when there's mud kat tepi-tepi tu. After few hours, bila air surut, there.... sandy beach. Boleh jalan jauh-jauh since pasirnya terbentang luas sampai kat depan nun. But still need to jalan thru that lumpur to get to the sandy part. Tak kisahlah, the kids had fun sampai hitam kulit. Adam, the bravest of them all. He waded his way thru dengan air lebih paras pinggang dia then ran all his will on the beach. Yang herannya time dia lari tu, muka dia cam serius giler ha ha. Kakak, althought she was the first to get in and last to get out, claimed she'd prefer pool or water theme park than to a beach. Iman, macam biasa, he took his time trying to adjust and only got in the water 1-2 hours after Kakak dengan Adam dah berendam sakan.

Nota - perbandingan masa air pasang dan surut kat gambar kat bawah ni ha..

Public amenities were good, they have surau, cafe, stalls selling balls, shorts, swimsuits and whatnot. The toilets are clean but the shower stall had no curtain or door. Tak kan nak mandi bogel plak kan? Makanya, mandilah secara berpakaian. Pastu baru tukar baru. Nasib baik bawak towel banyak, boleh le nak cover atas bawah!

Menjelang tengahari, kulitpun dah terbakar, budak-budak dah penat (dan mak pak penat tangkap budak-budak bawak keluar dari laut), we made our way back home. Sampai rumah around 3 pm.

Seronok. We should do this again.

Adam with one of his senyum simpulnya
Iman, cobaaann memakan ketam secara mentah
abah dia lah ajar tu

my eldest

sebelum mandi, pow Ummi beli aiskrim dulu.

Friday, February 26, 2010

School For Iman


Found a center that's willing and might have the skills to prepare Iman for school next year. I was given the chairperson's contact, not knowing that she's chairing a society for dyslexic in Malaysia. Iman is not dyslexic but I am told that they may help in to learn to read and count, basic skills needed in Year One.

We had an assessment in their center at Persiaran Kuantan, Off Jalan Titiwangsa but were advised to enroll Iman in their Ampang Hilir center, where kids his age mostly are. As expected, from the assessment, the most commented is my son's short attention span. When I mentioned short, it is really short. I'd be lucky if he agrees to look at a book for 3 or 4 minutes. We immediately scouted around for their Ampang Hilir center, susah jugak nak cari but found it nonetheless. Amidst serene greenery albeit the off-beat old bungalow they're operating in. I like the place nonetheless. Aman.

InsyaAllah, if Allah permits, Iman will be starting his weekend classes in April and again, if Allah permits, his full classes in June.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Langkah Pertama

Orang kata, setiap perjalanan seribu batu dimulakan dengan langkah pertama. Walaupun perjalanan seribu batu itu nampak beranjau, it has to start somewhere kan. Jujurnya, sekarang ini beberapa perkara penting sedang mengambil tempat dalam hidup saya. Tidak besar, tapi penting. Alhamdulillah, satu kebetulan telah menemukan saya dengan pihak yang berkenaan. Langkah pertama telah dimulakan. Semoga selebihnya dipermudahkan.

I have to say this online. Terima kasih saya kepada colleague, Zarid yang banyak membantu saya satu dua hari ni. Good and true friends are hard to come by. I'm glad our path crossed. I owe you one.

Monday, February 22, 2010

SkinFood Datang Lagi

Yezza.. skinfood datang lagi!

Eversince I started indulging in all these dandan-diri thingy, I just can't stop. Saya suka skin atau body care aje. Bab mekap-mekap ni saya tak berapa minat sangat. Dapat lipstik sebatang je pon dah cukup.

Remember that I bought Milk Mania Washable Cleansing Gel in Dec 2009? (Baca di sini) Well, it's finished already. So, saya mempunyai alasan yang sangat kukuh untuk membuat lawatan sambil membeli di kiosk Skinfood kan.

When you're in Skinfood kiosk, susah nak buat keputusan. Ada banyak range to suit our many ranges of skin. Itu skincare. Ada gak bodycare, haircare and makeup range. So, to prevent myself from buying things I do not need, I always do my homework first. Visit their webbie and list down what I want to buy. Sampai sana I just showed the SA my list, she gave me a bit of consultancy and I got my things. Just 4 items as planned. But please have back-ups. Some of the items (which I browsed through its international webbie) are not in Malaysia.

So, my loots for the day. Yes, I robbed myself from my Y.E.S fund buying these.
1. Aloe Vera Foaming Cleanser - For morning. I read somewhere that we don't need heavy cleanser in the morning as our face is not that dirty. Provided that you cleanse your face the night before. Alasan kukuh huh?

2. Seaweed Cleansing Gel - Iya, tak setia dengan Milk Mania. Walhalkan Milk Mania tu okay-okay je. Saja nak try yang baru. The smell is very faint but the after-affect is beshhtt!

3. Grape Seed Oil Body Emulsion - At first I wanted to buy from Milk & Honey range. Thanks God I did not, after being advised by the SA. Milk & Honey itu baunya semacam. Tengik pon ada. I tested Milk & Honey on my right hand and Grape Seed on my left. Kasi Tebby cium sikit tangah kanan, dia kata, ni minyak tengik apa nih? Imagine if he has to sleep beside me every night with me smelling like minyak tengik? Mau biru muka pakcik tu tiap-tiap pagi ha ha. But anyway, I've indulged in that Grape Seed for a few days and liking it. Lightweight dengan kadar serapan yang cepat. Takde rasa melekit-lekit pon. And badanku berbau wangi..

4. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Essence - This is for my unruly, stubborn, dry hair. Nampak macam pekat but once you apply it, it's light weight. Takdelah rambut jadi lembab atau wetlook semacam je. Rambut ku yang kering tu pun rasa licin sikit strandnya.

Tak sah kalo takde free items :P Kat gambar ataaaaassss nun, ada balang bulat tu kan. Tu free item selepas mengumpul setem-setem yang dikutip hasil belian dari tahun lepas. Hasil kumpulan setem-setem tu dah melayakkan saya dapat 1 payung, 2 diary dan 1 balang Fresh Lime Body Cream kat atas nun. Saya belum try hak ni. Dalam peket plastik tu ada cleanser sama scrub. Dalam kertas brown tu pulak ada the most expensive range i.e. Gold Caviar range. Gold Caviar ni untuk skin yang ageing dan mereka-mereka yang sewaktu dengan saya. Sendiri mau ingat lah bila orang sajes guna range ni kan!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Aku Terima Nikahnya - Book 11 2010

sebahagian dari imej kulit depan buku Aku Terima Nikahnya. saya kira itu berdasarkan pengalaman penulis sendiri.

Aku Terima Nikahnya
- Hasrizal Abdul Jamil

Sudah usai membacanya. Silly me, baru saya tahu kalau bertunang tak perlu dihebah-hebahkan. Kalau majlis walimah, perlu diwar-warkan. Sebab? Bertunang belum pasti berkahwin. Proses untuk kenal-mengenal. Bila bernikah, perlu dihebah-hebahkan agar salah satunya, tidak mendatangkan fitnah bila dilihat berdua-duaan.

Buku ini sesuai untuk bacaan ringan. Lebih kepada perkongsian pengalaman si penulis iaitu Hasrizal Abdul Jamil, yang lebih dikenali sebagai saifulislam di alam cyber. Tulisannya berkisar tentang pra-prekahwinan, perkahwinan itu sendiri, hidup bekeluarga, hidup bersaudara. Saya tersentuh juga bila saudara penulis turut menyatakan kekesalannya bilamana waktu yang dihabiskan bersama anak-anak sangat singkat. Saya rasa bagi yang tinggal di Lembah Kelang pasti setuju!

Bacakan kesibukan beliau sebagai penceramah dan pelajar manakala isterinya seorang doktor yang juga sedang menyambung pembelajaran. Bacakan penekanan beliau terhadap pentingnya kasih sayang ibu bapa kepada anak-anak. Bacakan pentingnya perkahwinan tidak didasarkan kepada menghalalkan apa yang haram sebelum ijabkabul. Bacakan pentingnya kita saling memberi dan bukan hanya menerima. Bacakan pentingnya keberkatan dalam semua hubungan berkeluarga.

Kisah harian yang boleh dijadikan panduan kita.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

More Books!

One of my 2010 resolutions (read about my resolutions here) is to read. And that's what I've been doing best among all. My bookcase is brimming and am liking it. Me and Tebby make it a routine to buy books on monthly basis. It was first for accumulating the RM for tax relief and later on I became addicted to reading (and of course buying books!).

I've just added another seven books to the bookcase. 4 from a kiosk in Menara TM and another 3 from MPH.

The first 3 books are written by Hasrizal Abdul Jamil, betterknown with his pen name saifulislam. Check out his web
1. Aku Terima Nikahnya
2. Bercinta Sampai Ke Syurga
3. Rindu Bau Pohon Tin

Another one is from Syamsuddin Mohd Noor, Dahsyatnya Doa Ibu. Once I'm done reading it later, I'll tell if this one is every mom's must have. But then, not withstanding that, apapun, always, always be careful of what you say about your kids and to your kids. We mommies, apapun dari mulut kita ni, doa.

Another 3 were bought from MPH i.e.
1. Bagaikan Puteri. Now my trilogy from Ramlee Awang Murshid is complete. I already read Hijab Sang Pencinta (read my review here) and already bought Cinta Sang Ratu last month (read about it here). Too bad that I read the 3rd book first.
2. Tombiruo. 1st book in another trilogy by the same author. I hope it's gonna worth it.
3. Diary of A Wimpy Kid - Dog Days. Now my collection is complete! I have bought and read the other 3 prequels to this and enjoyed every bit of them. Read my review of the first book here.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Had It Been..

Had everything went well, our baby would've been born today. The day I got to know baby left us, Tebby was in Thailand. I was nursing a broken heart whilst managing my life, my kids like nothing had happened. But I guess that what makes me who I am today.

Apapun terima kasih Ya Allah atas pinjaman itu walaupun cuma sekejap. Cukup menyedarkan saya kebahagian boleh datang tanpa dipinta dan boleh hilang tanpa rela. Cukup mengajar saya hati ini perlu dididik supaya sabar dan redha. Walau apa pun, alhamdulillah.. saya pasti semua perkara ada hikmahnya.

Bacakan detik-detik gembira, resah, panik dan berkesudahan dengan duka di sini. Bacakan bagaimana Kakak, dengan empatinya cuba menghiburkan hati saya, di sini.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Three Cups of Tea - Book 9 2010

This, is something I highly recommend to read.

This book tells about a man's vision and effort that goes beyond the boundary of race and religion. He gives without expecting to be given anything back. He gives what I can say as beyond his means. How many of us are willing to sleep in the back of our car so our pay can go to building schools for the unfortunates? He is one.

Greg Mortenson was a mountaineer. In his attempt to conquer K2, worlds second higest peak, he was lost in the icy coldness, without enough food and water to survive long. Long story short, he stmbled upon a small village. He felt so welcomed. The people there, despite being poor, offered him the best things they have. Despite him being an American and christian. He later, built schools for the children there, despite them being Pakistani and muslim.

There's 2 things that catched my attention most. One is about what change a contribution can make from just a single person. It's like a drop of water in the ocean but without that one drop, the ocean will be lesser. Another is, believe in Allah but tie your camel. Tawakkal is not without first putting out effort.

Go read this one. Inspirational.

For more information about this book (and other books as well), go to threecupsoftea.

Friday, February 12, 2010

We're Going Balik Kampung

We'll be leaving KL for Kuala Terengganu tonight. Ingat nak balik pagi tadi but then bimbang kot-kot Kakak dapat homework banyak hari ni since next week the school will be closed for a full week. There's a cikgu in her class happily tearing the students books for homework not done. Anyway, this is going to be our seconde time travelling at night to Kuala Terengganu. Tebby said if he's too tired driving, we just stop at any resort or hotel for the night. Since this is CNY break, most probably, if that is the case, it's gonna be hotel Al-Fard only ha ha. I think I should learn to drive that thing soon. Kan Yang?

To friends who celebrate CNY, roar into the new year. May you have a tiger-riffic year ahead!

And oh, pray for our safe journey to and fro will ya.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Acik tension okay.

Tadi ada meeting pukul 4.30 - 6.30pm. Kena balik sendiri sebab En Tebby kena stay back sampai malam. Keluar dari parking lot hujan, dekat Bangsar nak menghala ke Pantai Dalam jem amat. Sampai kat tol BESRAYA, keta depan guna Touch-N-Go. Dia boleh touch tapi tab bleh go. Acik plak betul-betul belakang dia. Acik undur sikit, pastu ada mamat kurengg dari mana tah menyelitkan keta dia in between keta acik dengan keta depan tadi. Fadan muka okay, nak potong Q, sudahnya sama-sama kena reverse. Acik masuk lane sebelah kanan, dia terpaksa menyelit kat belakang daku nyeh nyeh nyeh.

Sampai BTHO, ambik Iman terus balik rumah. Tak lama lepas tu, tragedi berlaku. Kakak tinggal sirap bandung satu gelas atas meja. Adam nak ambik. Iman tak bagi. Rebut punya rebut, Adam mandi air sirap. Habis bab sirap, berebut mainan pulak. Dalam acik menenangkan dua budak berebut, si Kakak mengadu cikgu suruh tulis surat kata dia asthma. Pastu kena hafal sirah 7 mukasurat. Pastu dia mintak tengokkan homework Math dan Sains dia. Masa tu, acik ni tudung pon belum buka lagi! Acik naik atas mandi, Iman ikut nak mandi sama. Walhalkan kat taska dah mandi siap.

Dalam peristiwa yang tak berapa berkaitan, Isnin minggu lepas, colleague acik datang dengan kening berkerut. Sebenarnya extra kerut sebab dia ni memang suka mengerutkan keningnya. Jangan marah Zarid he he. Tension katanya. Acik sajeskan dia start a hobby to vent out her tense. Masalahnya sampai hari ni acik rasa dia belum jumpa apa hobi dia nak buat (sekali lagi jangan marah). Maklumlah dia ni busy manjang, kalau ada hobi pun mungkin tak sempat nak execute. Nak fikir hobi dia apa pun mungkin dia takde masa.

Jadi.. saya terfikir eloklah saya execute hobby saya time saya tension ni. Saya suka menjahit! Ini cinta pertama saya (where hobby is concerned). Malangnya it's been ages since I last sew anything significant. In fact baju kurung terakhir saya, dah tak muat nak pakai dah pun! Antara yang saya terfikir...

1. Jahit slipcover extra untuk sofa - amboi.. amboi.. sofa belum sampai, angan-angan dah jauh nampak?
2. Jahit baju kurung - saya ada more than 10 helai kain yang belum menjadi baju. but if I were to start now, raya nanti sepasang pun belum tentu siap lagi... so... kensel
3. Jahit seluar tidur - yang ni appealing. sebab pertama, bahannya dah ada. kain dah beli. seluar tidur untuk Adam dan Iman. who knows, one day I won't have to buy my favourite TERRENZE anymore and flaunt my home-sewn pants instead (berangan takpe kan, free je)

So, I decided to try out no 3. Buka buka PANDUAN MEMBUAT PAKAIAN tulisan Mariam Abu Bakar. Ambik section Slek. Mak oiii... nak buat seluar from scratch punyalah banyak nak kena measure. Kalau kena tenun kain sendiri, mau pitam acik nak nyiapkan seluar selai. Yang nak dimeasure ni pulak semuanya hak tak duduk diam. So? Ambik seluar Adam, tiru je dari situ he he. Solosaii!!

book which I had tried to refer to..

when will I ever get to do something from this book?
after 1 1/2 years?

slek = slack = pantalon = pants?

mak aihh.... banyaknya nak kena measure?

Dalam kesibukan saya menengokkan Math si Kakak sambil menepis serangan Iman yang sebok nak menjahit sama (Adam dah tidur masa tu), makanya siaplah... taraaaaaa..... seluar tidur untuk anakanda tercinta, Adam. A far cry from TERRENZE (for now or for ever?), mungkin TERRENGG lebih kena kot. More Terengganuspeak dan kena dengan tema nak balik Kampung Losong minggu depan!

one for Adam.. seluar ala-ala mat kacau

Aku Bukan Superman

aku bukanlah superman
aku juga bisa nangis

and owh, that's Adam in the photos btw

As some of you might have known, we're toilet-training Iman. Started end of last year (read about it here) and we're still going at it since. He still insists to poo in diaper and sleep in diaper. For noon nap (which he rarely does nowadays), he already graduated from wetting the toto to keeping himself dry throughout. Since then, we've been saving a lot on dispo. He can only fit in MAMY POKO XXL and every mother knows how MAMY POKO can rip your wallet. At least by my standard lah.

And eversince, we've been stuffing his dresser with underwear bearing superhero of many names and faces. Ultraman, Batman, the gang from Justice League, Transformers and those of that kind.

Adam, not wanting to be left out, also helps himself into Iman's undies from time to time. And when he's at it, don't ever attempt to pull it off unless you have the patience to deal with his tantrum. As the lyric goes.. aku bukanlah superman.. aku juga bisa nangis...

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Sofa Shopping

Remember this entry? The one that I asked your opinion about? And remember last week when I told you I was going to buy something that is not-so-small-and-yet-not-so-big? But we didn't make it nevertheless? It's in this entry.

It materialised today. Yippeedeeee! End March or early April, my sofa will be delivered. It's Fella as planned (whatever happens to Homelife by the way?) but none of the ones that I asked your opinion about.

After discussing with Tebby (with him being minority albeit just the two of us involved in the desicion making!), I personally selected the frame design and later carefully selected and mix-and-matched the slipcovers. This time around I opted for damask pattern. You can check here on the definition and some samples but mine is way simpler than that.

So, which one do you think I'd bought? These are my shortlisted three.

RM5,399 for 1+2+3

2+3, going at RM4,399 in this range of fabric

2+3, going at RM4,199 in this range of fabric

my worn-and-torn 7yo sofa. traded-in for Rm300. jadilah kan. solved my problem on how to dispose of this thing

Friday, February 05, 2010

I Am A Saviour Mom - I Hope

Today, we did not date as we normally do every Friday. Tebby's buried under his piles of work while I am down with either something-wrong-with-my-heart thingy or some kind of acid reflux from not eating properly lately. No joke people, I did an ECG test today which left unsighly red marks on my chest.

You see, I've been carrying this huge emotional baggage on my back lately. This is more than PMS peeps. There's a lot in my mind, mostly about Iman.

Last night I dreamt I lost Iman. He was calling for me but I could not see him. We were somewhere near sea. I was in a locked room and when I eventually got out, I saw Iman sickly panic, helplessly sitting on a branch of a tree. The thing is, the tree is in the sea and Iman could not get down. I miraculously paved myself through the water and grabbed him with all my life and brought him ashore to safety.

Whatever that dream means, if is has meaning at all, in real life, I'd always want to be his saviour. I must be. I must be strong enough to pave my way through for him, no matter how impossible it may seem at times. I need to unlock myself soon enough before he submerge in the sea water.

Am reading Three Cups Of Tea. Found an inspiring quote..
When it's dark enough, you can see the stars

Thursday, February 04, 2010

My Girl

She's gonna be 9 in just a few months time.

How time flies! I remembered holding her in that stark red swaddle in APSH just moments after birth and next thing I know, we're sharing clothes (that includes inners, baby tees and tudung at the moment). How's that possible between a 36yo-mom-of-three and a barely 9yo girl? Thing is, I am small built and petite and she's not.

I can't wait for the time for us to go for girls outing and do adult things together. You know, make-up shopping, commenting and giving opinions on clothes to buy or even buying undies together! Just us (I hope the male species in this household get this message when the time comes!)

The thing is, she doesn't always agree on certain things I that I prefer for her. For example, I love her in long skirts, frilly lacey blouse, stuffs like that. But she just loves those simple straight cut tees, jeans and cargos. When at home, it's that tights (seluar nyonya, as Tebby puts it) and tees (again). Tebby once announced 'I'm a t-shirt guy' so it's obvious where she gets that trait from.

But we both are melodramatic. We both cried watching movie SEPI. We are the worry-over-nothing, helplessly-romantic type of persons. We both love books by Jeff Kinney (yes, she reads that, I'm not sure if she should though).

This, is not a birthday entry for her so save your wishes until August, will ya. The last time I wrote something like this, I got happy-birthday-and-many-returns-of-the-day thingy. I suppose we need not wait until that special day to share our thoughts. Life is something we should embrace and celebrate everyday.

I love you Kakak.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Spilling Beans?

photo from here

I wonder at some people who can be so easily, and casually spilling beans of what supposedly be secrets. Yes peeps, S.E.C.R.E.T. Yes, I, in a way, at times do pliviledged to get newest juicy gossips but I just can't help wonder if my beans has been spilled as well? . And the way the stories were told 'from trusted source', I wonder if those are 100% true afterall? Maybe 20% fictional, to add some zing to it? Or is it just 20% facts?

It scares me.

I can have millions of friends but I need to be careful in choosing close friends, ain't I? I pray I won't 'roar' my way to this person anytime during this year of Tiger.

Do you know that I was born in 1974, a year of Tiger, according to Chinese calendar? No? Well, never mind...

ops... are any of those mine? hope not!!
photo from

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Where Rainbows End - Book 6 2010

After reading The Concubine's Daughter (read what I think of it here), written by Pai Kit Fai, I immediately grabbed another book. Of late, I find reading is like releasing your stress. Like being thankful when reading about less fortunate. Getting inspiration when reading about betterment in life. Albeit being fictional.

This, was what I read. Where Rainbow Ends by Cecilia Ahern (more info on the author here). I've bought this way back in 2009 but has yet to read. It's a box set consisting of three books i.e. Where Rainbows End, If You Could See Me Now and A Place Called Here (read its summary here). I choosed Where Rainbows End (summary here) over the other because it is written before the others.

Anyway, this book is about childhood friendship between Alex and Rosie. It started back when they were 5 years old and ended when they were 52. What I considered between them as platonic relationship and yet they never openly admitted it, not until they were 52! Alex did tried once but the letter got into the wrong hands. The story then included their offspring, Katie of Rosie and Josh and another baby of Alex.

What I like most about this book is the way it is written in text, sms, letter form and not the usual scenario and dialogues. Other than that, I'd rather be reading Jodi Picoult!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Membeli Belah di Hari Wilayah

Selamat Hari Wilayah!

We had planned a-not-so-small-and-yet-not-so-big purchase today but had to cancel it due to health problem. Instead we made several small purchases, at least by me, who else?

Fret not my friends for all that I bought are considered essentials or necessities.

We checked out GRAMEDIA bookstore in Mines Shopping Fair and I found interesting KUMON workbooks (and bought some for Iman), catchy color museum hardcover baby books (and got some for Adam, as well as for Iman), a book on Mars for Kakak (I had to be fair to everyone okay) and 2 sequels of Diary of A Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney (I had to be fair to myself as well) and some stationeries as well. I need something decent to put down my signature with. Not that I am someone of utmost importance anyway ha ha. But a girl can dream on kan kan kan.

Jom tengok..

another 2 of its series. there's 2 more.

one for the girl. she's loving it.

for Adam. he says yewwowww, weeeddddd (yellow, red). haven't started on blue and green tho.

i bought 4. there's 4 more, pink, purple, brown and orange

for Iman. he's excited about them tapi tak sempat nak buat apa2 lagi.

here's the flow we should follow.