Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hari Terakhir Yang Tragik
Monday, June 28, 2010
Coachie! Coachie! Coachie!

Anyway, it's in Scarlet. I just don't know what is happening to me. First it was a scarlet satchel, then I nearly buy red open-toes!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Of Popeye's & Shoes

Read my first 3 itti & otto's here, which in November 2009.
Read the last time I bought another 2 pairs here, which was in April this year.
Shoes overdose eh?
Of Baby Ariff & Confinement
Name is Ariff Farhan. Mama Ariff said, it's with 'i' not 'e'. Am not sure if the name has two 'f's or just one. Mandai-mandai aje letak Ariff. Born at 3.12kg, this little bundle sure full of spirit. Time kami visit, kalau dia marah, merah-merah muka and meronta-ronta sampai keluar tangan kecik dia tu dari bedung. Baby Ariff, good boy now okay. Jangan grumpy-grumpy okay.
In my live (i must add, so far), I have been pregnant with 5 babies. Iman had a twin but the foetus never made it even in 1st trimester. Adam almost got a younger sister (my instinct strongly says it was a girl). Among the 3 children I gave birth to, Iman is the smallest and lightest at birth while Adam was the opposite. Giving birth to Iman was the most difficult thing to do (as well as the most painful) while Adam, despite his size, was the easiest. Kakak? All in the middle between the boys. Caring for Iman, well, was the most difficult stage when he was a baby. Menangis. Tak lapar. Tak basah. Cuma menangis. Alhamdulillah, I am blessed with such a wonderful husband yang sanggup melayan kerenah Iman yang didodoi sambil berdiri sampai terlelap semula. Besar sikit, mengamuk pulak. Since communication used to be limited, tak tau kenapa dia mengamuk. Difficult? You bet. With Adam, it was all easy. The kind of baby yang letak kat atas tilam, terus doze of tanpa perlu ditepuk-tepuk or dodoi. Kakak? She's in between the two. Difficult or not, painful or not, I love them all the same.
I know Smah pon is more or less like me. Janji sihat kan, Smah..
Dan yang penting.. jangan stress!!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I am at home today, feeling rather unwell. It's only 10.00 a.m. and I don't know what else to do. Think am gonna scout around for jamu or something later today. Oh ya, I need a good weighing scale. Not working while having a Bibik around PLUS an enermous appetite is not a very healthy combination I'd say heh heh. People, I have started doing sit-up last night. 20 kali okay (but I forgot to do it this morning tho).
OK peeps, think am gonna raid my wardrobe and re-arrange. Any better idea that that? Suggestions?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Al-Fatihah to Wan
I was not raised to be close to anyone, my mom, my dad, my siblings and my Wan included. But that's another chapter altogether. But still, I cried when I got the news. How fragile life is and how unprepared I am for all this, let alone, death. When they asked close relatives to have the last look, we all sobbed openly.
Wan left 7 children of her own and 3 step-children. She was married twice. Once with my mom's dad. With him she had 2 children. Then she married my late step-Aki, who had 3 children from his late wife at that time, and later they had 5 more. If I were to draw our family tree, it's gonna be huge, no doubt. And I haven't started on my father's side!
The day she finally left us, she went to 'paya' (paya is the word we use for abandon sawah. still rich with all sorts of fishes), like she normally did for as long as I can remember. She fell in knee-deep water and drowned. Thing was, my Wan consistently 'black-out' from time to time. Maybe, maybe, she blacked-out and fell. God Knows as she was alone at that time. She usually came back at around 6.00 to 6.30 each day but on that fateful day, she was not home when Maghrib was approaching. They (orang kampung) started searhing after prayers and found her close to Isya'.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kakak's and Adam's. Labelled so when the time comes and cukup syarat, I know how much for zakat.
When he delivered another coin today, he came right in front of my office lobby and bawak sekali 1 dirham as promised. Terima kasih Master Jamal. Semoga murah rezeki anda dan saya jua.

hok ni FOC
Monday, June 14, 2010
New Found Hobby.. Too Bad Its Pricey Too
ps - nantikan update tertunda percutian kami di Cherating pulak yerr.. as for now, I have loads to do (and yet have time to update and tell just this???)
Sunday, June 06, 2010
First Leg - KL..Kedah..KL
Saya, kalau kata nak bertolak jam 8.00 pagi, insyaAllah by 7.30 pagi semua luggage dah beratur tepi pintu. Jam 8.00 pagi tu bermakna dah naik kereta dan bertolak, bukan baru nak bangun tidur. The night before selalunya saya pastikan kain baju dah simpan elok, yang belum basuh berada pada tahap minima. No dirty dish dalam sinki or any leftover atas meja makan. Anak-anak saya dah pesan awal-awal untuk bangun awal dan bersiap cepat. Alhamdulillah depa memang jenis early birds so takde masalah sangat bab tu. There's a Bree (go figure the character here) in me, yes I admit (but I am definately not a 100% Bree okay) Makanya, hari Sabtu, jam 8.00 pagi, kami bergerak dari rumah menuju ke utara. My parents, yang sepatutnya bertolah jam 8.00 pagi dari Temerloh, bergerak dari rumah kira-kira jam 10.00 pagi dan adik saya pulak tiba-tiba nak ikut sama, which made them to move at 11.00 am.

On the way terserempak Geng Caldina tengah konvoi. Berpuluh-puluh kereta. Bersusun-susun kat lane tengah. From the sticker, it says Drive For Charity or something like that.
Kami singgah R&R Sungai Perak untuk re-fuel kereta saja. Tak singgah makan sebab
1) Anak-anak kata masih kenyang (sebenarnya depa tak sabar sampai hotel untuk meng-spash dalam swimming pool) as Tebby put it, depa lapar nak minum air pool je tu.
2) ramailah amat orang, no free parking lot.

Exit 168 yerr... ambik SP Selatan

Emerald Puteri, end of shop lots. Belakang tu ada Parkson Ria. Bilik pulak, living and bedroom separated by a sliding door. Bilik ayaq luaihh hat dalam bilik.. ada 3 stall, shower stall, toilet and a bathtub. Hat kat area living tu ada sink sama toilet ajaa..
Swimming pool, walaupun kecik, okaylah. Takde tiles yang retak or tercabut cam kat Impiana Cherating. Me, as usual kat kiddy pool je lah melayan Iman dengan Adam. While I was there, ada 2 orang budak kecik lost footing and jatuh tertiarap dalam air, floated but face down. Mommies, while at tempat berair cam tu, always look after your child. Seconds kita terlepas pandang macam2 boleh jadi.

Ingat nak ambik gambaq budak-budak bawah nih, tak dan apa-apa depa dah terjun pi dalam pool.

Anak jantan chek. Note Iman's new swimsuit. Hat lama dah tak muat dahh... Baju 'kwebb' katanya.. pasal ada gambar kecik crab kat dada belah kiri nun..

Room service pun cepat dan efektif. I use their 'bell boy' service, mintak extra laundry bag and order food. Semuanya memuaskan hati. Drawback? Food (except for its kuey tiaw which I ordered via room service) and buffet area. Food tak banyak variety and rasa cam kurang sikitlah. Buffet area ada lipas kecik dok bersantai-santai buat lintas langsung.

Esok nak start 2nd leg pulak. Another 910km to go.. Cherating... here we come...
Saturday, June 05, 2010
School Holiday Special
Ke Kedah untuk attend wedding adik SIL saya di Tikam Batu. One of my brothers and both my parents ikut sekali but we go separately. Diorang bertolak dari Temerloh, balik Isnin. Saya cuma semalaman je. Last minute book hotel (semalam!), nasib baik ada yang available lagi.
Second leg: KL --> Cherating --> Terengganu --> KL
So nanti kan update Kak Mon ya.
You all pulak macamana?
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Artsy Beadsy Day
That's what mom does I guess. I worry (and spoil) my kids.
So, naturally I went worrying if she can actually do it or not. We had 2 practice sessions, an hour each. In each session I showed her how to do it and later she did it twice, under my super-close and super-irritative supervision.
Oh, btw, here's what I bought for her..

3 small tubs of beads, a roll of stretchable cord and went a bit further by buying a storage box to ease her up.
So, I went showing her what is the should-be length of the cord and that she has to tie one end to a pencil or something so that the beads won't fall off. I showed her the beading process and finally how to tie the ends together.

So, we took some plastic beads from her sempoa instead hu hu. No photos, I was too frustrated heh heh.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Alhamdulillah, my application, which was lost somehow, somewhere, is approved! Syukran Ya Allah. I'll be starting my leave on 1st July 2010, right up to 30th June 2011. If everything went well before June 2011, I may be reporting back earlier.
ps - ha.. saja tinggalkan birthdate ku dlm gambar atas tu.. nanti sampai masa jangan lupa calling-calling daku belanja makan yerr.. heh heh
Read on me announcing the intention of taking leave here. And read how I almost jatuh kerusi here when the P-I-C lost my application, here.