Saturday, August 08, 2009

Post ERPOC Check-Up

My 5th August was cancelled coz Dr Ashar was not around on that date so we have it rescheduled on 8th August 2009.

It was Saturday. We need to bring Kakak as well to screen for H1N1. She's getting better but better be safe than sorry kan. Tengah-tengah bersiap tu, Iman bangun pulak so he tagged along. Adam stayed home with Bibik Ros. We, the 4 of us went.

Kakak, after just initial temperature check, is not having H1N1. Sungguh lega okay.

As for me, I had my stomach scanned. Dr Ashar confirmed there's nothing unwanted left and my uterus has gone to its normal condition pre-pregnancy. He said there's no 'berpantang' period should we want to try for another baby again but he'd prefer if we wait until I got my period first. Tebby still undecided on this. Me? I want! I want!.

I was given a table to fill in once I got my menses back and to see him for pap-smear end of the year.

Thinking back, had all my babies survived, we would have 5 children! We lost Iman's twin, who would've been our 3rd and the recent miscarriage was supposed to be our 5th. Takdir Allah, we have 3 and they're handful like having 5 as well!