Monday, December 22, 2008

Eating Out - SABAK

Urghh... Tebby lewat. Let's not get tense about it. Nak buat retail-therapy, makcik almost pokai. How bout food-theraphy? Gambor pun gambor lahhh...

Remember that I left my kids kat kampung last 2 weeks? Friday, 12th December 2008, en-route to fetch them after work, went to SABAK in Taman Melati. We've been eyeing this eatery for quite sometime and eventually managed to gobbled up in peace. Makan steamboat + grill ditemani oleh hujan lebat di luar sana. How perfect. (I still missed my kids tho).

In my kampung, SABAK means tempat masak-memasak during kenduri kawin. But being a hard-core east-coaster, we pronounce it as SABOK.
Nearest description would be Penanggah (kot?)

Kalau budak2 tu ada, haruslah ada yang masuk berdayung di daratan.
My kids are curious lots okay.

The spread, among others.

From another angle. Isk.. En Tebby sibuk tol ngan penyepit hijau dia tu. Dah interprem gambor makcik. Unlike Seafood Terminal, none of the spread is seasoned.

Pilih pilih pilih. Jangan malu-malu.

Add some oil on the hot pan and grill the food to your liking. It left my tudung smelling chicken liver, prawn and whatnots all the way to Pahang.

Not for the faint-hearted.

I tell u ols. Walaupun rupanya tak menyelerakan, isinya sangat sedap okay. I had like 3-4 servings of these guys.

Walaupun buffet spreadnya sangat murah iaitu RM25 per person, sila kalian lihat harga Nescafe-O yang meruntun jiwa itu. RM2.5o satu mug? Mug kecik ye tuan-puan. Apakah??

Ni addressnya. Kalau terliur, silalah berkunjung ke sana. Boleh juga cuba Rumah Thai. Itu kedai x-ofismet ku. Boleh tahan sedapnya. Satu row aje dengan SABAK ni.

Kan ku dah kata kami suka makan... Sib baik badan makcik ni tak reti menternak lemak (lagi?)


ibuVouge said...

tu lah vice versa bisnes.murah sana , mahal sini eheh

ummi buat iv kecor air lior... kena pi Kubang Rotan( di kedah famous place utk dapatkan fresh pelantar. cuma kena balik masak seniri.Sekor ikan tenggiri segar saiz sederhana,just cost you RM7.00) cari seafood

Anonymous said...

sungguh teliur... nak pegi bagan lalang la... kat situ pun very nice and cheap seafud.... nak dinner kaw2 la...

NeroEcha said...

Gulp..gulp..sedap nye dah teringin ni..kena pegi ni