Since kami x berkemampuan dari segi masa untuk kelas mengaji on weekdays, we had to forgo Iman's Saturday class at PDM. To make way for kelas mengaji on Saturday.

Among the places I asked was Kelas Tuition Cikgu Maryam (KCM.. web www.kcm.edu.my) They ols pun ada provide Saturday class and they claimed they can arrange one for Kakak and Iman. They will call us once they have the details of Ustaz/Ustazah. Every Saturday at their center at around RM35 per head per hour. That would be RM70 per week and RM280 per month. It is not the money that turned us off. They never called back.
Then someone referred us to www.infitahhometuition.com After reading the info given, I called up their Serdang Branch, the nearest with our house. Cik Wan who answered me, gave my number to Cikgu Aiman. Cikgu Aiman is a pharmacy student and is a tutor. After exchanging series of SMS, Cikgu Aiman came to our house on Saturday 11th February 2012. I like Cikgu Aiman. All my SMS-es were answered, promptly. A polite young lad that he is.

Price structure is much cheaper than KCM's. Rate per head per hour for 1st student is RM35. 2nd person is additional RM10 and the 3rd and 4th and so on is an additional RM5 per head. We enrolled Kakak and Iman so it would be RM45 per hour for the two of them. Approximately RM23 per head. Classes will be conducted 4x a month. Kalau miss, boleh ganti dengan mana-mana bulan yang ada 5 Saturdays (contohnya March 2012).

She gets along well with Kakak, Iman and Adam. Adam, walaupun tak di enroll asal-asalnya, dia sama-sama belajar :D Last-last we included Adam in Ustazah Farah's time sheet :D :D That makes the fee RM35 + RM10 + RM5. RM50 tapi kita jangan berkira soal pendidikan anak-anak, terutamanya ilmu akhirat.
They started off with reciting doa's. Then start mengaji. The session was closed with short introduction to Rukun Iman.
It's still too soon for me to comment but I am putting much hope in this. If possible (insyaAllah), Kakak tamat mengaji Quran this year and Iman start Quran in maybe 6 months from now. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami semua.
They started off with reciting doa's. Then start mengaji. The session was closed with short introduction to Rukun Iman.
It's still too soon for me to comment but I am putting much hope in this. If possible (insyaAllah), Kakak tamat mengaji Quran this year and Iman start Quran in maybe 6 months from now. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami semua.