Tuesday, April 22, 2008

MC - Makcik Pitam Semalam!

Uwaaa... I want Big Apple donuts, especially hak yang ada shaved-choc yang gulung2 kat atas tu. Pastu kat dalam tu ada pulak choc filling... nak.. nak.. nak... Dah le miss makan bubur kacang yang specially ordered hari ni sbb MC. Oh ya, saya MC 2 hari. Malam semalam makcik pitam okeh. Buka mata, satu bilik cam pusing-pusing. Sib baik budak2 dah tido. So I just had myself to deal with.

Nothing interesting actually. Kat ofis ada tsunami transfer. Punyalah ramai orang mintak transfer. Something is wrong I think. Heard things like grading. Environment pun satu jugak. I know it's their rights to ask for transfer tapi mungkin pendekatan tu boleh dibetulkan. Sebab some people went direct to big boss and tak bagitau direct-supervisor. When they got to know the news, naik angin lah masing-masing kan. Sampai sekarang saya ingat kata-kata ex-GM saya, 'don't burn the bridge just yet, I may be your boss in future. furthermore, an army cannot choose his commander but a commander can choose his army'. Sungguh keras ancaman itu. I met him a year back during Tebby's convocation (Tebby did his MA and my ex-GM, PhD). Still the gentleman he always was. Yang tak tahan tu, sokmolah nak hulur tangan salam-salam bagai.

When I first joined here in 2004 pun, I didn't like the division. Semacam okeh. I did not like the people, the job. Even the table and chair that were given to me. And I could not figure out which one to debit and which to credit when those were among the things people expected me to be an expert in. I went thru lots of masa-masa yang kurang menyenangkan, menyedihkan and tah apa-apa lagi. Sok sek sok sek mengatakan - apalah budak marketing buat kat sini. Supposenya orang accounting/finance (the 2 areas I was and still am weak in). Tiba at one point, I decided to stand up and at least tried to live up to it. Btw, saya pulak dapat bos baru. Bos lama switch dengan bos baru. Really hope under his management/supervision, things will take a better turn. Cuma saya pulak yang tak ter-cope ni ha. Baru aje dia masuk, banyak benda yang dormant sekian lama dah start to move on. InsyaAllah lepas confinement, I'll be in full gear. Yahh semangat.. semangat..

Btw, we have 5 vacant executive posts. Grade 22. Main task is to manage debtors. Interested, pse mail me abrozila [at] tm [dot] com [dot] my for further info. Sorry, this is internal only.

It's now 7.10pm already. Tengah tunggu Tebby balik. Since his promotion, he's been coming back home late. Weekend pun kena buat kerja from home. Well, what did we expect kan. Takkan naik gaji tapi keje makin kurang kan. Like I said to Zarid, we can't have all. Budak2 pun masih kat taska. Did not dare to drive there ambik diorang. Buatnya makcik pitam masa tengah drive tu? Nauzubillah. Lagipun memang I can't fit into the driver's seat anymore. I'm too big, can you believe that?


Zuedin said...

since my office dekat ngan The Curve..insyallah saya belikan akak. setengah dozen saya belikan. esok atau selasa kot kalau takder aral..since friday and monday I'll be on leave. Big Apple yeah..

Anonymous said...

oh... moga-moga tidak lagi pitam dilain hari.

ummi said...

zue ~ ala... toksah susah-susah lah. awak tu pun membuyung cam saya jugek. kalau ikut tekak ni, kuaci pon sodap..

abi ~ mintak2 gitu lah. worry abt toxemia sebenarnya. kaki tetiba bengkak and feeling dizzy. tp BP okay. end of this week check-up, see lah apa gynea nak advise.
ps jgn pitam dalam labor room! amin!

aida said...

kak tie, jaga kesihatan.. pasal post exec tu, cam interested. i really need a change of environment rite now. tapi kena discuss ngan boss dulu, sbb lama sgt dah saya di sini

aku perlu bertukar sbb dah boring buat benda sama

KakNi said...

Ummi, saya doakan Ummi sihat walafiat. Saya ni pun dah 2x mintak transfer tapi belum ada rezeki lagi nak kerja tempat lain. Kat tempat sekarang ni lah nampaknya yang ditakdirkan untuk saya.

Anonymous said...

Ummi bila awak bersalin? Mcm dah nak dekat kan kan kan.. Or saya yg salah?

ummi said...

aida ~ you're most welcome to join the division. ofis kat annexe 2. papehal email akak okies.

akuni ~ kdg2 kita tak tau apa yang kita tak suka itulah yang baik utk kita sebenarnya. saya pulak, kat sinilah saya promoted to higher post sedangkan mulanya saya dah berkali2 mintak transfer out.

ajzie ~ kalau ikut calculation, lagi 2 weeks but since last check-up, gynea saya kata it could be anytime already. maybe sbb baby saya saiz besar kot.

Anonymous said...

huwaa..jgn la pitam lagi..kurang kalsium kut tu??

pls take care, eh..

ummi said...

oren ~ harap2 gitulah. can't afford to pitam2 bila pgnt gini.