Semalam saya lewat ke ofis. Menyelesaikan masalah yuran sekolah agama si Kakak. Fee Mac dah pun dijelaskan tapi kami dapat pula surat cinta alkisahnya pihak sekolah belum terima. Tanya Kakak, dia kata dah bagi. Call sekolah. Sekolah kata nanti nak siasat. Lepas 10 minit, guru kelas sendiri call saya. Katanya betul dah terima. Kalau macam tu, mana resitnya? Katanya resit dah bagi pada Kakak. Kalau resit dah keluar, kenapa rekod sekolah tak kemaskini yuran tu? Semalam singgah kejap, bersua 4 mata, senang nak selesaikan. Terus saja saya bayar sekali untuk April, May dan Jun. Kerani tukang tulis resit takde lah pulak. Pesan saya, resitnya nanti bagi saja pada Kakak. Sebaik saya nak melangkah keluar, cikgunya bersuara. Kakak ni slow sikit. Stop. Slow macamana? Suka berangan. Fikiran seolah ke tempat lain. Cikgu suruh buat hafazan, dia menulis. Dalam hati saya, masalah sama masa dia di tadika dulu. Dreaming. Dia senyap ke? Alhamdulillah tidak. Kalau dia tak faham, dia tanya. Memang saya pesan sangat-sangat pada Kakak. Kalau tak faham, tanya. Jangan diam saja. Saya minta jasabaik cikgu pastikan dia di barisan depan dan kalau perlu ditegur-tegur, silakan.
Saya khabarkan cerita to Tebby. Tebby himself was a late bloomer. He admitted dia pun ada problem belajar masa kecik-kecik dulu tho later in his life he was a MENSA member. Kalau gitu Kakak ni macam you lah. Sebab masa I kecik-kecik, I terer. He.. he.. Somehow along the way, I degress. Toksah ceritalah nak jadi member MENSA kan. Masuk MRSM pun tak pass.
Is she a late bloomer or somewhat having learning problem?
Is she too tired having to attend sekolah agama at 2.30p.m after finishing her sekolah kebangsaaan at 1.00p.m.?
Is she not interested?
Or is she just plain lazy?
Semalam dia bawak balik report card keputusan penuh Ujian Fasa 1. Among all, she got B for bahasa Melayu spelling, C for Math and Bahasa Arab. The rest are A with Pengajian Islam scoring 100%. If she has learning problem, surely result dia lagi teruk kan. But I was and still am bad at Math. I once calculated the price of sebotol kicap in a test and got like RM300++ for one. But hey, I completed my degree a year ahead than most of my friends despite my RM300++ kicap!
Later that night, we interrogate her, sort of. Apa yang dia ingat masa dalam kelas that she daydreams so much. Barbie! Good, now we have a doll to put the blame on. Just like we blame Kikkor for Iman's inability to converse effectively. In fact if you meet Iman the first time, he'd introduce Kikkor to you!
It is not easy to take it when people tell you that your child is somewhat slow or a little bit behind as compared to his/her friends. I choose to accept and adress the matter. The teachers mean well and being frank. They have nothing to loose telling us that and we have nothing to loose either to accept the fact. Well, a bruised pride maybe. But should we let our kids be the victims of our pride? We're thinking of sending her to KUMON for Math. But that's it lah. I don't want to push her too much. No matter how I want her to be so terrer (bukan terror tau), I don't want to take her childhood away.
Just do whatever me and Tebby can to improve her, as far as she can take it. And leave the rest to Allah, shall we?
as mom we are sensitive la kan selamat berusaha by whatever means
sy juga sedang berusaha mengajar anak2 membaca, mmg sgt mencabar yer kak
sy sedang berusaha untuk retire awal..cita2 nak ada home based business ..boleh tgk anak everyday..tapi entahla..lagi 10-15 tahun kots?
Kak Tie,
What do you mena u tak terrer masa dulu.. U dapat masuk STF apa.. heheh
don't worry, kakak will be just fine. just like how i turned out to be fine despite being in set 5 class for maths 2 years in a row.. everybody has their own strengths n weaknesses.
everybody has their own ability. surely kakak is very good in art kan, and this is her strength. nway, i think as a parents this is the time for us to give full support and encouragement for our own kids.
insyaallah, when she sees her friends achieve good result she will apparently improve herself.
farra ~ esp with kids like mus'ab and iman. kat tadika mmg dia dpt special attention sikit. lepas bersalin ni akak nak bawak dia pegi paed and if necessary start theraphy kalau direkemenkan.
mc ~ thanks for reminding.i get my pride back now hu hu
ct ~ maybe sbb me as mother pun kurang pegang buku kat rumah, dia susah nak develop interest with whatever yang relate dgn buku kot? lately ni bila akak start baca novel, nampak dia pun mula pegang buku baca sama and kalau buat homework tu, dah boleh concentrate sikit2.
yep, kena tunjukkan good example.. actually sometimes diorang nih bukan tak tau tapi we as a parents yg slalu terlepas pandang. and for sure kena byk sabar.
i pun kena start give good example la pas nih...
nanti bila dah jadi gi terapi tu kongsi cerita ok ;)
boy mmg malas sket pegang buku kot, my mawaddah rajin pegang buku everyday tanya "apa ni?" in every page & picture..lotey den nak menjawabnya :D hihi
rasanya, anak saya yg sulung tu pun, ada masalah yg sama..ari tu, tanya cikgu pra tadika..cikgu pun kata dia slow..jenis diam..tetiba jek hilang (pegi toilet, tp takmo cakap)..lama2 cikgu paksa gak dia cakap..hmm...
tapi, yg bangganya, now she in her Iqra'2..tapi, kalo saya suh baca Iqra'1 pun, mmg la susah nak dengar..baca 2 baris, pas tu ada la alasan...nak tgk tv jap, nak baring dulu, nak makan biskut dulu...last2, mmg tak dengar la dia baca...
farra ~ Kakak sampai la ni banyak tanya. Kdg2 bukan soalan berfakta pun, more towards imagination dia. Ponek den cari jawapan. Sekarang ni akak suruh dia cerita imagination dia and bukan asik tanya ajek. It's good actually budak2 ada enquiring mind. Kita ajelah yang kdg2 jemu melayan.
oren ~ ada jugak geng Kakak. kdg2 akak rasa si Kakak ni malas berfikir. bukannya dia tak boleh buat tapi more towards malas. asik nak tengok TV jek. sekarang mmg tiap2 malam akak dgn abahnya bagi simple exercise for subjek yang dia belajar kat sekolah.
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