Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday (Hijrah That Is!) Iman

Iman, now.

Iman, then, almost 2yo.

Apakah wujud kasih sayang tanpa sempadan?
Apakah Allah sudi memberikan kesabaran?

Allah menjawabnya dengan mudah. Seorang anak yang dilahirkan pada hari ini, 2o Ramadhan, 6 tahun (hijrah) yang lepas. Satu kelahiran yang payah dan menyakitkan. Satu proses membesarkan yang mencabar saya (dan suami) secara emosi. Saya sedar, kasih sayang tanpa sempadan itu wujud, malah saya (insyaAllah) mampu melakukannya. Dan dengan cabaran itu, saya menjadi lebih penyabar.

Muhammad Iman, despite all the odds, I am one proud mother. I owe you many things in life. Especially the life lessons you bring into my life. Not forgetting to mention all the joy, the laughter, the sulking that come along with it.

Selamat Hari Jadi Ke-6 (Hijrah).

My entry (of wishes and hopes) below: -

Iman's 5 yo (hijrah) here.
Iman's 4 yo (hijrah) here.
Iman's 3 yo (hijrah) here.


aida said...

happy bday iman

Farra Da Smiley said...

happy birthday iman..keknyer mana umi? eheheh

ummi said...

aida ~ thanks.

farra ~ keknya bulan november, sambut bday tahun masehi..

oren said...

hepi besday iman..

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Kak,

Anak perempuan saya 5 yo tulis abjad dan nombor terbalik. So walaupun jawapannya betul tetapi disebabkan terbalik, akan salah juga lah kan. Adakah itu tanda dislexia? Apa pendapat akak.Syukran

-ibu risau-

ummi said...

oren ~ thanks, on behalf of Iman

ibu risau ~ i really can't say. kids her age tend to write that way. but if you feel there's sth wrong (i trust my motherly instinct when it comes to my kids.. very much), always seek expert opinion. you kat mana? the center Iman enrolled in do except kids as young as 4 and there's teens as well. sorry can't be of much help. cam Iman ni dia ada diagnosed lain, AD + several autistic features. tat was when he was 3. yet to get the latest assessment nih. tgh tgu appointment dgn hukm.