Friday, May 22, 2009

Spa Anyone?

Last weekend balik kampung. Sebenarnya my dad was worried sick about Mokkucu's coming wedding this end of May. Last wedding was mine, which took place about 9 years ago. And this is going to be the first time we call caterer and do buffet spread. Kakak still had 2 more papers to sit and Tebby just got back from KK but we went back home nevertheless.

The kids had so much fun. Bayangkan lah budak-budak yang biasa di KL, keluasan tanah 22x70 je. So bila balik kampung dengan laman yang luas,.. they went beserk ransacking everything. Ayam-ayam hampir mati kekenyangan. Pokok bunga kena libas. Jagung kering Atok tinggal sikit. Air tempayan depa buat spa. Bukan satu tempayan tawww... tapi TIGA!!

2 kanak-kanak sedang ber-spa

Adam dengan senyum simpul. Tak sedar orang tengah ber-spa

excuse me, may i join the party?

Last I know, Wan dah terbalikkan semua tempayan tu :P

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