Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby Steps

Nota - sila telengkan kepala anda.
It was shoot way back in 2006.
That's Iman taking his baby strides.

Mellow me today, I almost cried watching it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ummi's Scissorhands - Adam's First Haircut

Selalunya gambar *Tamon mesti sengih manjang kan. Kali ni gambar version masam. Dia demam minggu lepas, bad mood. Senyum pun susah. Rimas nengok jambul dia sampai dah masuk mata. Ummi pun buat le aktiviti menggunting....
(* Si Kakak suka tengok digimon, abis nama sekeluarga ditambah dengan 'mon'. Yang ini Adamon. Bila panggil banyak kali jadi cam Tamon Tamon Tamon pulok. Tapi pada kebanyakan masanya, dipanggil Adam)


muka tak rela.. tapi dok menahan jugak lah

taraaaaa.... hasilnya..... dia berdiri gini cam giant plak nak pijak ummi

nengok tu.. muka masam.. tak pueh hati

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ummi Goes Mobile

i am blogging at 7.37 a.m.
in my car.
while en tebby's driving.

i am one proud owner of maxis broadband :P

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gold Coast Trip - In Sepang That Is!

Kawan-kawan, Ahad lepas kami ke Gold Coast. Tak perlu naik kapalterbang, cuma keluarkan duit minyak saja (memetik ayat SMS Zarid). Nak makan pun senang, rata-ratanya halal belaka. Asalnya nak ke PD tapi En Tebby ada komitmen pulak Sabtu tu so this is the closest we can get to a beach.

Ni Kakak dari pandangan belakang. Muncung2 dia masa takleh pegi PD. Ni kira gantilah. Nak ke PD or Melaka, kena tunggu kereta baru. ViVa Ummi tak larat jalan jauh-jauh.

Adam. Ngantuk. Dari pagi tak tido-tido lagi. Oh ya, inilah car seat yang kami beli masa sales Mothercare hari tu.

This, needs no introduction. Kikkor. Tuannya pulak manjang susah nak ambik gambor. Reason, he wants to see 'him' int the screen sebelum ambik gambor. How lah like that. Ni kira wakil Iman lah nih.

Lepas lebih sejam 'leisure driving', kami pun sampailah ke Gold Coast kat Sepang ni. Indeed, no other than the old Bagan Lalang. Tengah2 cari tempat nak lepak tu, ternampak gerai jual ikan. Me being me, terus saja singgah membeli ikan. Gebu-gebu belaka. Kakak marah betul sebab dah ambik masa that she could've used berendam-rendam dalam air.

Sotong yang dalam bekas tu, kami yang beli tu.

Nama aje Gold Coast,.. there was nothing 'gold' about the beach. Kotor. Despite that, Kakak masih berkeras nak berendam. Dengan gembiranya. Despite my dissapproval.

Kotor kan airnya.

Iman, lebih suka main di pantai saja. Him being him, dia susah sikit nak adapt.

Kakak dah lencun basah main air. Balikk tu, baju dia penuh dgn spots. Macam minyak-minyak je. Euwww!!

Cik Duyung

Apapun, it was a pleasant family trip. Asyik pegi shopping complex aje, boring jugak kan. It was somekind of therapy jugak, especially Iman. Looking forward for this a lot more in future.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Musuh Dikesan. Over! Over!

Ini Adam. Hari ni Adam bertugas menjaga keselamatan kampung.

Baca buku dululah.

Opss... over.. over.. kelibat musuh dikesan!

Hello.. sila hantar pasukan bantuan segera!

Mana nih... uwaa... musuh makin hampir!!

ps: sebenarnya makcik ngetest kamera baru... ku beli IXUS ngee he he

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Selamat Hari Jadi Sayang

Hari ni birthday En Tebby ke-35. Mulanya saya plan macam2.. nak surprise dinner lah, nak hantar bouquet lah. Tapi,.. walaupun saya isterinya, ada kalanya nak dapat 'date' dia pun, saya kena tengok kalendernya taww..

Saya fikir-fikir nak hadiahkan HTC. Tapi harganya menggegar beg duitku. Bayangkan kalau saya keluarkan RM3k untuk sesuatu yang akan obsolete tak lama kemudian. Kan lebih baik saya gunakan beli something long-lasting. Jam ke. Tissot, yes I love Tissot. Tapi untuk investment sebesar itu, baiklah saya bawa sekali orangnya. Kotnya dia tak kenan dengan pelaburan saya itu kan.

Jumaat lepas, walaupun baru 10hb, saya heret dia ke Midvalley untuk scout around dan have a birthday dinner sekali. Nevertheless, Tony Roma was packed with people and En Tebby tak nampak anything he liked. So, it was a Manhattan Fish Market dinner with no present.

Semalam, sekali lagi kami ke Midvalley. He picked a G-Shock Casio. Sesuailah untuk field tripnya. Setelah berbelas tahun bekerja, baru ni lah En Tebby merasa keindahannya menjadi engineer.

Ya, jam itu tidaklah berharga RM3k.
(psttt.. he's buying a birthday present for himself as well...)

Birthday dinnernya pula ialah 2 burger yang besar dan hebat dari Carl's Junior. Nak gigit pun tak muat mulut.

Makanya, inilah ucapan dari si isteri...

Yang, Selamat Hari Jadi ke-35. Semoga hari-hari mendatang akan sentiasa membawa kebahagiaan dan mendapat keberkatan. I doakan you diberi kesihatan dan kejayaan dalam hidup.

I nak tambah jua, (walaupun sepatutnya ucapan ini digunakan untuk platform lain iaitu ulang tahun perkahwinan kita)
Semoga rumahtangga kita sentiasa bahagia dan diberkati.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy 11 Months Old Baby Adam

Happy 11th months old little boy. He is indeed one happy baby. Earlier today when we met his paed in APSH, Dr Nasir commented 'Adik ni senyum aje'. Memang pun, kejap kejap senyum. Kejap-kejap senyum. The other dr in another clinic, kadang-kadang tak boleh nak bagi consultation panjang lebar sebab dia sendiri nak tergelak tengok Adam. Kejap-kejap senyum, kejap-kejap senyum. Siap dia pulak agah dr tu. Apapun, Ummi harap Adam sentiasa ceria.

He now stands on his own. Takes a step or two forward. When we hold his hands and assist him walking, he'd say taaataaahhh... taaataahh. Babbles a lot! He has 6 teeth and he bites. Loves eating. He's been feeding on homemade food most of the time. Has graduated from finely blended puree to just rice porridge and occasionally the usual nasi we adults have. Kalau bagi biskut, dia kunyah cam orang besar. Nevertheless his current weight is below from what he is supposed to be. He's just 8.5kg as compared to the supposedly a little bit more than 11kg (birthweight x 3).

Apart from that, he has his temperament. If we take something from him, he'd wail loudly until the thing is returned to him. When Iman shouts at him, he shouts back while waving his little hands. Other than that, he's always in his nice, smiling mood.

Happy 11th Months Baby.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Monday, April 06, 2009

Syukran Ya Allah - Kakak's Result

Syukran Ya Allah.

Kakak brought back her report card last Friday with full compilation of her Ujian Fasa 1 Tahun 2/2009. Like I mentioned before, to me, she's not racing with other people (yet) but more within herself.

To be frank, I was frustrated on how things turned out to be. Especially with myself. I was not consistent, I was not sensitive enough to her schooling needs (ada homework? if she doesn't, then that was it lah). Her overall score dropped from 80%++ to 70%++ from half-year to year-end. Her placement dropped as well. So did my intergrity as a mother.

Tak guna meratap, then tak buat apa-apa kan.

Came year 2009, I have my resolution. I want to be more sensitive, encouraging, supportive where her education is concerned. I may not be the best of a mother, but I am trying to beat the odds to help us out. Even that would mean putting my interest at the lowest in my 'priority' list. It's hard at times, to ensure she does her work correctly whilst making her understand the whole concept, with our dinner on the stove. And that means, I'm hanging my laundry way past midnight at our backyard.

(The other day, she came back crying because she couldn't do her homework. To me, that was among the sign that she has started to take schooling seriously. Despite her tears, I was thankful).

So far, to an extend, we managed to beat the odds. With a little extra work. A little extra preserverance. A little extra patience and passion. A little encouragement. A little words of supports and compliments. We may not be the best of people, but we are better. We still have a long way to go tho.

So, last Friday, she came back with her report card that made Tebby brimmed with pride when he showed me. Her overall percentage improved. So did her placement.

I am not saying I'm the best'est mother in the world. I am trying to be, at least in my children's world. It's a process. A long painful process. But people say, the harder we work for something, the more we appreciate it. It does, doesn't it?

pst.. I bought her a small token. As a reward for her hardwork and success. A simple cheap watch to light up a little girl's world.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

While I'm Gone

Barely 2 days after Tebby came back from his Europe trip, I left for Langkawi at 10.20 this morning. I am now enjoying free wifi from my hotel room in Langkawi Seaview. Tho the signal is poor, surprisingly, the speed is good.


Like any other mothers out there, I am in charge of many administrative things in the household. Especially when it comes to the children. Kain baju, nursery bag, school bag, bekal and whatnots. I have 3 kids, 8, 5 and 10 months. Since they're separated by at least 3 years between one another (age-wise), they have different needs. Example, I can't feed Adam with what I'm feeding Iman right. The list goes on.

And don't get me wrong. En Tebby is a fine not-so-young man. He helps around but there's still things that we, mothers do best.

So, before I left, I have a list of things to do. The house needed to be in-order as much as possible. In short I slept at about 2.00am and woke up at 5.00am. I manage to do all the things listed.

And sort out of what-to-wear and what-to-bring ...
And even drew a diagram of the kids' closet.
However, at 10.00pm, I got a distress call from Tebby. Kakak, dengan niat suci murni, wanting to be helpful while I'm gone, put away the clothes I prepared as in photo above, and being only 8, had things jumbled-up. I heard Tebby panicking. When all things sorted out, tergelak pulak kami. People raised eye-brows when I mentioned about seluar dalam, baju dalam, telur goreng, susu 4 kotak.

It was really a distress call.
He asked how many susu kotak for Iman each day.
I said 4.
He said only 1 pack left, not enough.
I said, 1 pack has 6 kotaks in it, so we have 2 more left.
He said, oh.
Perplexed with his own miscalculation.

Well, at least in one aspect, I know he needs me..