Semalam Iman berusia 3tahun, 10bulan dan 19hari.
Semalam kami bercuti. Saya, Tebby dan Iman.
Semalam saya dan Tebby bawak Iman jumpa Dr Rose Peng, Child Psychiatrist.
In short:
When asked about Iman's clinical dianosis...
He has Development Disorder, prominently attention, language and social. It seems his sensory are not well developed and not well integrated. He has balancing problems. Even his facial muscle is not well enough.
He's at the starting point of ADHD. The AD part (Attention Deficit) is more than the H (Hyperactive). He also shows signs of autism.
He's insecure of his sorrounding hence stronger attachment to security blanket (in his case -> kikkor).
When asked what are the chances he will speak like kids his age or if he can attend normal primary school when the time comes...
That's our aim. But I can't promise anything. We have to work to build the foundation first. In not, he has to go to special school.
When asked about Adam's chances going to be like Iman...
Adam has the likeliness like any other kids out there. Meaning no corelation in being siblings.
When asked about the causes...
I can't pinpoint to specific reasons.
When asked about our next course of action.
Occupational Therapy and Speech Theraphy. Suggested places that offer both simultaneously. (We're opting for Gleneagles at this point).
Saya lega. Bukan lega sebab Iman didiagnosis begitu. Lega kerana saya akhirnya berjaya melepasi halangan pertama iaitu belajar menerima kenyataan dan menerima hakikat saya ada seorang anak yang memerlukan penjagaan istimewa. Saya tahu perjalanan saya masih sangat jauh dan it's a long winding road ahead. Saya tak pasti jika saya akan mendengar cerita-cerita dari mulut Iman suatu hari nanti. Atau saya akan terus berteka teki tentang perasaannya. Marahnya. Gembiranya. Riangnya. Rajuknya. Saya tak pasti jika saya cukup kuat untuk melalui jalan tersebut. Saya pun tak pasti apa yang ada di penghujung jalan tersebut. Apa yang saya pasti, saya akan pimpin Iman mengharungi apa jua sepanjang perjalanan itu.