Friday, July 25, 2008

Iman's Speech Disorder

For those yang close dengan saya pasti tahu apa masalah Muhammad Iman. Secara fizikalnya dia tak ada apa-apa masalah. He's approaching 4yo, to be exact he's 3-years-and-7-months old. A GP nearby commented Iman is of good size for his age. He currently weights 18kg. Tak gemuk. Big size maybe.

The problem is, he doesn't speak as he should be or like other children of his age. He makes sounds nevertheless but in his own language. He says single words like fish, makan, air and kikkor and occasionally a 2-word sentences like apa tu, nak makan, nak mandi. His longest was (and still is) a 3-word which I remember until now Kakak duduk atas (Kakak was upstairs). Nak bercerita jauh sekali. However he is not in his own world, meaning he shows interest in socialising. But I'm quite sure his speech problem may hinder his ability to create friendship to certain point.

His paed said he is hyperactive. I'm not sure if I'm living in denial because to me he's just plain active. Well, maybe extra-active. To get his attention for just a little while used to be such a challenge, let alone to teach him from flash card and the likes. With exception for anything related to cars, lorries, vans and the likes. I think he has toned down a bit tho it is still difficult to get him sit down and engage in conversation. Except mealtimes when he babbles his own language. Maybe nak cakap tak sedap ke, I want more ke. I don't know. Most of the time he leaves us guessing. Failing to guess correctly, he throws tantrum and whatnots.

Tales or stories about hyperactive or active kids and their mischieviousness may be cute. To tell you the truth, it can drain you physically and mentally. Usah haraplah for proper dinner or lunch. Let alone to go on shopping spree. Kalau nak bawak berjalan, always pray he/she will at least behave a bit but also be prepared for hard times. Outing maybe cut shorter than you had planned. But I'm used to that, kind of.

During our last visit to his paed, we were referred to an ENT specialist in APSH. That would be the first step in assessing his problem. Tho we do not think it's due to any hearing disorder, we just follow the flow.

Today we brought him to an ENT specialist in APSH. We were 'scolded', sort of. Boys tend to start later than girls, he said. But 4yo is far too late. We should've gone and seen him 2 years ago when Iman was just 2. I remember seeing his paed and told him our worries but he said it was still early (when Iman was 2). Obviously these 2 doctors have different school of thought. ENT specialist then referred us to another audiologist as he doesn't do hearing test. In Iman's case, he needs BSER test. So far we have 2 options, one in Jalan Ipoh, Innovative Hearing and another one is in Gleneagles Intan. Anyone who has gone through this, I really appreciate if you could share your experience.

If hearing-disorder is ruled out, then speech therapist follows. and maybe phsycologist. and next phsychiatrist. Scary huh? I am not sure if I'm mentally prepared for things to come but I'd better get myself geared up, kan. Plain hyperactive, ADD, ADHD or even autism.

Apa-apa hal pun as a mother, I really hope and pray that Iman will catch up with his age and grow like he should be. Isn't that what all mothers wish for their children anyway?

Monday, July 21, 2008

7 Perkara

7 tentang diriku (takde apa-apa yang menarik tentang saya, seriously..)

Item PERTAMA ini tak masuk dalam list tapi sebab anda semua nak tau resultkan... Saya dah test semalam.
Mau tak takut eksiden, pulaknya traffic light tak menyala!

1) I was underweight before 1st pregnancy. Bayangkan saya tak sampai 40kg pon! Memang terbabas dari ideal weight. Now I am around 45kg - dah masuk ideal weight tapi ranking bawah-bawah lah. Kalau orang lain sebok nak hilangkan berat badan lepas bersalin, saya lak sibuk nak mentenkan barang 5-10kg. Just to note - berat badan ideal tak semestinya bentuk badan ideal okeh.

2) I am approaching mid-30s. Exactly -> 34. Last year my friends said I looked like a 26 or 27. Tapi tahun ni dah nampak cam 30-an. Adakah saya telah men'tua'kan diri sebanyak 5-6 tahun dalam masa setahun? Oh tidak..

3) Saya ditakdirkan beranak bayi yang besar-besar. No1 - 3.5kg, No2 - 3.3kg dan No3 - 3.7kg. Yang menariknya, yang paling kecik tu yang paling susah nak bersalin. Yang paling besar paling senang. Dengan saiz saya ni, bila saya mengandung, sudah tentu *PJK sesangat. Ada yang nak tengok gambar saya masa mengandung. Saya memang purposely taknak bergambar masa pregnant sebab... buruk sangat. Muka berminyak. Hidung kembang. Sebetulnya saya tidaklah lawa pon tapi ketidaklawaan saya tu semakin menjadi-jadi pulak time mengandung. Apa-apa pun alhamdulillah anak-anak saya yang dikandung dengan ketidaklawaan tu, semuanya sihat sempurna.
*PJK -> Perut Jauh Kedepan

4) Saya fail Add Math masa SPM -> pengakuan berani mati. The irony is that, sekarang tetiap bulan saya dok mengira berbilion-bilion ringgit. Kalaulah diorang tau saya memang lemah matematik, harus ku ditansferkan dari sini.

5) Sewaktu diawal perkahwinan, saya tak pandai memasak. Namun dek sebab berkahwin dengan seorang lelaki yang 'very well fed' sejak bayi lagi, maka saya pun bertatih-tatih memasak. Apa orang kata 'the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach'. But then that's not the only way lah kan I believe. No harm trying.

6) I went to an all-girls school masa secondary. Giler best. Pegi lari makan lunch kat dining hall sambil angkat kain tinggi-tinggi, boleh?

7) Kadang-kadang saya malas nak jadi kaya. Contohnya saya ada baru renew roadtax tapi malas nak pegi claim. Ari tu saya ada cek tapi malas nak bank-in. Tapi kalau suruh perabih duit, laju aje. Howlah like that? I oso donno.

7 perkara pertama berlaku dalam hidup ni
1) Ini ialah tag pertama tahun 2008. Ditag oleh smah. Dan pertama kali jugak saya cantas item yang banyak-banyak tu jadi 2 aje, boleh?

2) Kereta pertama, ViVa. Mungkin the one and only lah kot unless En Tebby nak belanja kereta lain. ViVa ni born on the 4th of July taw. Walaupun ini kereta pertama saya, En Tebby lagi banyak drive dari saya. Not that I mind pon, rela you.

3) Jam pertama - Color Club hak cam gelang tu. Pastu kat tepi muka tu cam ada ring. Ring tu pulak buleh tukar-tukar because it came with other rings of different colors. Sungguh girlish diriku waktu itu.

4) Handphone pertama - Motorola. Kalau diingat-ingatkan, rasanya saiznya cam wallet-panjang saya sekarang! Baterinya aje, mak aihh... anjing tengok sure tak jadi nak kejar. Tapi time tu kira canggihlah. One more thing, dengan saiz besar gedabak tu, kalau jatuh berdentum-dentum kat lantai pun no hal. Menten gitu.

5) Anak pertama - Lahir pada 8 Ogos 2001 (080801). Tahun ni 2008, on 080808 - she'll be 7. Kalaulah on 080808 she turns 8, haruslah orang sotkhabar akan datang buat coverage gitu.

6) Period pertama masa saya form 1. Tatau apa kebenda sampailah kawan saya bagitau spot yang kena kat baju itu ialah darah 'bejot' (our terms for period). Wah.. dah cukup umur lah yek. Kiranya saya okay lagi tau bracing my 1st period. Kawan saya yang sorang tu menangis tak henti-henti berhari-hari. Dia ingatkan dia nak mati bila keluar darah gitu. Bila kitorang discover yang sebenarnya dia period, kami gelakkan dia beramai-ramai tanpa belas kasihan. Teruk, kan.

7) Cinta pertama. Cinta monyet lah nih. Dengan budak satu matriculation kat UUM. In short, things did not work out. Dia dah ada anak 4, whereas saya ada 3. Tidaklah saya nak bertanding pun dengan bilangan anak-anak nih. Lepas konon-kononnya break-up tu, kami boleh pulak berkawan dengan baik. Kalau tak asyik nak bergaduh aje kerjanya.


Last week ada meeting 2 hari kat Bukit Mahkamah. Punyalah berjalan, sampai tercabut tapak kasut. Ada lak mamat over peramah memaklumkan 'tapak kasutnya tercabut'. Okay, orang Malaysia memang berbudi bahasa but for once I wish he'd keep that to himself he he.

Pagi tadi takleh withdraw duit kat ATM. Sib baik suamiku kat bangunan sebelah aje so pegilah menagih wang ihsan. Tengahari pegi Maybank Bangsar nak perbetulkan apa-apa yang patut. Itu orang cuma sental-sental kat bahagian chip tu, pastu suruh pi try withdraw. Eh, jadiklah. Lama sangat dok dalam purse sampai berdaki! Berdaki ATM kad tak bermakna ku sudah kaya okay. Masih lagi berbeli-belian online segala.

Sabtu lepas ipar yang dok kat Jakarta datang rumah. Balik cuti 2 minggu. Dia komen Kakak dengan Iman nampak lebih 'tenang' sikit sekarang. Kalau tak, sure bergerak tak renti-renti. Betul ke? Iman pun ada something going on pertaining to his 'gerak tak renti-renti'. Jumaat ni kena jumpa ENT specialist. Nanti ku ceritakan okay.

Pagi tadi pegi klinik sebab rasa cam hidung watery aje. Bimbang jangkit kat si awang kenit Muhammad Adam. Mintak ubat. Just dapat piriton dengan nasal spray. Mintak ihsan vitamin C sekali. Terlanjur ke sana, ku beli juga UPT. Lom buat lagi testnya. Rasa cam -ve kot (kot?). Atau adakah ku masih dalam denial? Nanti dah dapat result, ku update okeh.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy 2-mo Lil Boy

Adam with Logan the Lion.
Urghh.. urghh Adam said to Logan.
Logan kept quiet.
Last-last Adam tertidoq terus.

Adam turned 2-months yesterday. Earlier today we brought him for his first 6-in-1 jab in APSH. Good boy anak Ummi. Nangis sikit aje, lepas tu diam. Balik rumah, tidur se-round, pastu bangkit mengamuk sampai ke senja. Badan dedar-dedar gitu. Tapi susu tetap tak tolak!

Dah 2 hari Adam ke Atfal Sayang. He's been a good boy so far. He makes fuss only with valid reason like diapers basah or lapar. Paling-paling tidak pun, he makes fuss when he needs someone to 'talk' too. Kalau ada Abah kat sebelah and Abah buat taktau aje, makin bising mulut dia 'agah' abah sampai abah layan. Tho Ummi ada bekalkan susu FM, Adam is still fully breastmilk-fed for quite a few weeks already. Masa hantar tin susu tu pun, Ummi seriously caution staf Atfal Sayang, only give kalau sangat-sangat-sangat terpaksa.

Gambar kat atas tu snap pagi tadi, on the way ke APSH. He baring in infant-seat (hak kaler ijau tu Iman punya suatu masa dulu) sebelah driver. Kira macam co-pilot lah. Dia dok dendiam aje kat dalam tu sampai ke APSH.

Adam's vital statistics so far..
Weight - 5.9kg (an increment of 1300gms from last month)
Length - 57cm
Head Circumference - 38cm

Dr Nasir suruh Ummi pantang-pantang sikit makan. Pipi Adam dedua belah ada cam bintil-bintil gatal. Eat seafood and dairy products in moderation. Dedua tu Ummi suka pulak tu. Since Adam is breast-fed, Ummi also dinasihatkan ambik Neurogain as well so Adam will get DHA from susu.

So far, Adam ni yang paling senang nak jaga. Mungkin sebab abangnya Iman memang menduga akal, iman, mental dan fizikal Ummi dengan Abah, Adam pandai bawak diri sebab sampai sekarang Ummi dengan Abah kena bagi attention lebih sikit kat Iman.

Walaupun begitu, ketiga-tiga Adam, Iman dan Kakak, semuanya Ummi sayang tak lebih tak kurang.

Happy 2 months old my boy!

Adam tengah try-try to roll over.
Kat peha tu setempel plaster lepas kena jab tadi.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Saya pening-pening.
Tekak meloya.
Badan rasa cam nak demam-demam.

Dari minggu lepas lagi dah sebenarnya.

Mungkinkah sekali lagi?
Oh tidakk..
Takkan penalti trus masuk gol?
isk.. isk.. isk..

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Alhamdulillah.. Selesai Masalah..

En Adam - 7 weeks old

Alhamdulillah.. Syukur pada Allah.

:: Adam has got a place in Atfal Sayang. Al-kisahnya, memang saya dah book a place for him there. Tup-tup last minute ownernya tak berani nak ambik because they were seriously understaffed dan new recruitments yang sepatutnya datang tu, tak datang-datang. Supposedly Adam goes there on 26th June lagi so he has ample time to adjust (and I, to clear many thing up) before I eventually masuk keje balik. 26th June was shifted to 30th June. 30th June to 7th July. I felt as if we were trying to hit a moving target. It is a baby we're dealing with so I knew we had to have a back-up plan. Semalam dah dapat another tempat in a nursery nearby our house. They charge lower rate (RM250 monthly fee and RM3 per hour for OT). Currently we're paying RM300 and RM5 for respective items in Atfal Sayang. The owner (Atfal Sayang) called me yesterday to tell Adam can start going there this Thursday, July 10th. Lah pulok! Anyway, we settled for Atfal Sayang so the three of them can stay together. Kalau saya dan En Tebby balik lewat, at least they can play (or fight!) among themselves. Part of me rasa lega that I finally gonna have sometime for myself and another part of me crying inside to part with him after 2 months. I guess that's what mothers do kan. Worrying over our kids..

:: Adam has become calmer these days. When he doesn't sleep, he'd play his baby-gym (not really his lah, that thing was bought for Kakak last 7 years actually), or 'talks' to me. He especially loves when I show him books or flash-cards. He has also almost given up buaian to sleep. Much to my relief tho I was prepared untuk berangkut-angkut here and there. There was a catch anyway - pacifier! Yes, puting nyot-nyot. Itupun at times, he can fall asleep without its aid, on his little mattres, on his own! We gave him Avent pacifier mula-mulanya but he disliked it. Then NUK, pon dia reject. Sudahnya puting cap Japlo yang murah-murahan aje dia nak.

:: When I need to cook or hang the laundry, I just put him in the bouncer and place him nearby. He'll lie down there without much fuss like his brother last time. (kalau terkenangkan Iman punya perangai pun buleh berpeluh saya taww!). Likewise kalau nak berjalan, he'll just sit in his car-seat without much fuss. Merengek-rengek bila dia nak nenen je.

:: Adam's transition to bottle-feeding is almost successful. He had hardtime adjusting a few days back. Meleleh-leleh susu kat tepi mulut. Saya pun rasa nak meleleh-leleh air mata tengok my hasil usaha saya mengepam EBM tu keluar cam gitu jek. Memula he rejected Avent so I bought a non-wide neck teats. Dia 'telan' semua puting tu sampai ke pangkal. I then coaxed him little by little to nurse from Avent and alhamdulillah he has got the hang of it. Ntah-ntah kalau saya guna botol non-Avent / Dr Brown / MAM dan yang sewaktu dengannya, dia lagi suka kot. Btw, saya dah order botol MAM, just in case. Anyway, glad to inform that for the past 2 weeks Adam was fully breastmilk-fed. Not even a drop of formula. I am not setting a target of 100% as God knows what's going to happen when I start work nanti. I just hope, as much as possible and as long as possible. I am putting effort in that. I have stocked-up EBM in the freezer and joined a forum on breastfeeding. It's good when your net-friends 'pat' you on the back or support and give advise and whatnots. It helps, really.

:: Last week pegi klinik di Cheras Perdana sebab Iman batuk. Ambik kesempatan timbang Adam. He was 5.6kg. Nevertheless, this Saturday baru masuk rekod. We're seeing the kids paed for Adam's jab as well as to discuss Iman's speech problems. Btw Iman counts! He's making some improvements where speech is concerned but still too far behind other kids his age. Masa untuk bertindak, isn't it. Especially when his kindy's teacher pun advised us to do so.

:: Sidetrack a bit. Makcik kayooo.. cek kotamas finally reached me. Maybe to some people nilainya kecik ajek but to me it will mean an Avent bottle warmer and baju-baju basahan anak-anak. Kalau nasib baik, Tony Roma's ribs also included, yummy!

Nevertheless, Iman always, always has got something to do. Dia dah inspired nak jadi LC pulak kot tho he will never ever lactate in his whole life. Sabor je lah yek.

mula-mula kita sambungkan 2 bahagian nih..

Pastu kita pasang botol susu kat bawah nih.
Kebaikan swing ni ialah, boleh fit mana-mana botol biasa.
Wide neck takleh okeh.

OOookkayy siap.
Pastu bagi Ummi untuk proses selanjutnya..

cute eh?

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Helpless & Hopeless

pernah tak korang rasa helpless and hopeless at the same time?
i do, now.

malas nak pikir lagi. apa-apa hal pun esok nak buat action plan. kalau boleh, lepas plan terus ajek executekan plan tuh.

dah lah. nak pegi pam susu pulak.

orang kata kalau tension-tension nanti production susu kurang. erkk..

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Kikkor Cedera!

Satu kejadian pergaduhan dilaporkan telah berlaku lewat petang Selasa 1 Julai 2008 di Atfal Sayang, BTHO. Kejadian tersebut melibatkan dua orang pelajar lelaki tadika/taska berkenaan (nama dirahsiakan sebab bawah umur). Sumber mengatakan pergaduhan meletus akibat berebutkan seekor anak harimau comel kepunyaan salah seorang pelajar bawah umur berkenaan. Orang ramai yang berada di tempat kejadian gagal meleraikan pergaduhan tersebut. Walaupun kedua-dua pelajar bawah umur berkenaan tidak mengalami sebarang kecederaan, anak harimau yang menjadi rebutan mereka, telah terputus ekornya.

Anak harimau tersebut yang dikenali sebagai 'Kikkor' telah dikejarkan ke rumah yang berhampiran untuk rawatan lanjut oleh En Tebby yang juga merupakan abah kepada salah seorang pelajar berkenaan. En Tebby kebetulan baru sampai untuk menjemput pelajar bawah umur tersebut dan kakaknya.

Doktor yang merawat Kikkor, Pn Ummi telah mengesahkan kejadian tersebut. Doktor berkenaan juga mengatakan Kikkor telahpun selamat menjalani pembedahan dan dalam keadaan stabil. Pelajar bawah umur berkenaan, walaubagaimanapun, tidak dapat ditemuramah.

Sumber-sumber yang boleh dipercayai mengatakan Pn Ummi juga merupakan ibu kepada pelajar bawah umur tersebut, tuanpunya Kikkor.

Kikkor - up close

Kikkor - with his tail torn

Kikkor - after the 'surgery'