Monday, March 17, 2008

Thankful, Indeed I Am

How can I not be thankful.

[1] The news has it that the company will give out the bonus end of this month. The quantum varies from 0 to 5 months. That ties to my no [2].

[2] The performance rating was unofficially out sometime last 2 weeks. I managed to view mine (they closed down the system shortly after). I am praying what I saw will not be changed. It's been quite sometime since I scored above average. Tambah pulak dengan last year MC manjang dek uwek-uwek yang agak teruk.

[3] I got the cheque from IRB. At my standard, it's quite big, fat and juicy (sounds like a piece of steak kan..) with a 4-figure sum. I know.. I know.. it's my money sebenarnya yang terlebih bayar but what a he**. At least I'm getting some extra cash.

[4] And I still have a few thousands to claim from JPA. Same story like IRB, terlebih bayar.

Given [1], [2], [3] and [4] -> Sedap sikit nak shopping for Little Muhammad. Plus to realize some of the plans for the house. InsyaAllah. No major reno, cuma nak refurbish sikit. And to spare some for bersalin nanti. Sat lagi dr keluarkan things like senduk lah, sudip lah, kayu panjang lah. Semua kena charge tu.. Even the mangkuk kacang is not cheap you know. So kalau dah mintak tapi tak guna and the items have been billed, bawak lah balik rumah buat menan anak-anak yekkk..

My congratulatory note: -
[1] To Tebby's friend, Areehan who tied the matrimonial knot last Saturday in Pekan, Pahang.
[2] To my brother and SIL who, insyaAllah, will get their Beemer tak lama lagi. Hasil kerja keras dengan ELKEN.


y@tipruzz said...

x phm on mangkuk kacang..apekah itu? hehe

areehan abdullah ke?

last but not least, tahniah n slamat bershoping moping eh!!! simpan tanduk tu sket tau :p

ummi said...

yati ~ ala... disposable mangkuk yang bentuk cam kidney bean tu. kan rupanya cam biji kacang tu.

a'ah. dia lah. kawan hasben akak sejak diorang kanak-kanak lagi.

walaupun tanduk nak keluar, tak menjadi sbb berjalan pun ala-ala itik pulang petang dah.. tanduk ku simpan sampai abis confinement he he

kaezrin said...

ahaks...AA tuh belum kawin ker??? i knew him jugak tp on business personally sbb waktu nak set P*P utk CRM nih byk kena jumpoa dier mintak guide ngan dier...

anyway conmgrates to u too..dah official kuar pun ari nih dlm myCareer at HRPortal...

ummi said...

elin ~ AA? He was married before. Wifey passed away 2-3 years back, leaving 2 girls.

so, my rating is official he he. bolehlah menambahkan tanduk2 hu hu.

y@tipruzz said...

saya pon punyerla doa rating tak berubah..kalo ubah sure mkn hati berulam jantung

ummi said...

yati ~ kalau ubah jadi lagi banyak akak nak!

Ummu Auni said...


areehan married ek? hari tu dia cerita juga, but don't know the exact date..kenal lah juga cause was in international before

saya balik dari cuti bersalin, baru tahu wife dia meninggal masa tu

ummi said...

mardhiah ~ thanks. tak sabar tunggu 28hb! bukan apa, dah berzaman tak merasa above average.