Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Mom's Little Ones..

Like planned, we took 1/2 day off on Monday nak settlekan beberapa perkara. Went to IRB in Jalan Duta to returned the cheque. Then off to MV for lunch and nak cari Buku Rampaian Matematik si Kakak. Cikgu math dia yang paling sangat garang, dia kata. Kat MPH takde. Kat Carrefour takde jugek. Rushed back to BTHO, singgah sekolah dia. Beli kat kedai buku sekolah. Adehh... berkejar-kejar. Sib baik sempat beli Beard Papa saya!

Alhamdulillah, after a month, nampaknya dia makin riang ke sekolah. That's a tremendous improvement. Want to know why? Barely 2 weeks after starting Tahun 1, she dropped the bomb. She said, school sucks and that it was boring. I know she has short attention span and she daydreams a lot. Punyalah saya berdoa supaya dia lebih gembira ke sekolah. Alhamdulillah sekarang dia dah suka ke sekolah. Recently she brought home a drawing entittled 'RUMAH SAYA'. There was our house and our 2 cars. There was she herself and Iman digging the soil. I was watering the plant and Tebby was doing this 'dumbell' exercise. In fact, our neighbour's cat was also in! The cat sort of makes our porch his home anyway!

As for Iman, he still does things as he likes, where he likes and when he likes. He still spends time kat luar when others are in the classroom. He shows improvement as well. And he counts! Right up to 12. Yes, there's jump here and there but to us, that's a tremendous milestone he has done. His vocab is increasing as well tho he still doesn't grasp the concept of 'conversation' yet. He knows forklift, tracktor, lorry, car, motor, bus and the likes. He has this TONKA book which he flips many-many times everyday. There was one time when we were already sleeping. He suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and took the book and insisted that we read together. He also has this one book which I bought in Manila.. or shall I say, pieces of hardboard which once used to be a book. He also adores that one. Oh yes, there's still 5-6 kids his age that act like him in school. I just hope he's not the ring leader!

Yes, I am a proud mother of 2 (and coming the 3rd one). They tire me, they test me, they drive me up the wall, they deprive me of personal-space but so far it only makes me a better person. I am a lot more patience.

I am a more passionate mother nowadays, so to speak...


aida said...

bestnya anak-anak seronok gi sekolah. currently my amni seronok gi tadika

maknya pulak jenis tak heran, tak tahu pun tadika tutup ke tak (iskisk ape la nak jadi ngan saya ni?)

ummi said...

aida ~ nak sampai tahap seronok tu bukan main susah lagi. nak2 pulak la ni fasa gigi dia tanggal. kena usik dek kawan2.. sib baik dia tak kesah sgt bab2 penampilan diri ni. lagi ditayang gigi rongak tu adalah.

ntah le, akak sejak kakak start tadika lagi mmg prihatin hal2 sekolah dia. akak ni kan pathetic sikit.. (banyak sebenarnya)

Anonymous said...

hehee.. anak saya plak tgh seronok tak pergi school dah masuk 3 minggu.. liat la nak bgn tido lps baik chicken pox nanti nih.. uhuh..

p/s: akak.. kami ada gak meja kekanak tuh.. but red in color..

ummi said...

sikulat ~ kalau tok nenek diorang ada, mmg tinggi tocang memasing. meja merah.. oh tidak. terlalu meransang minda.. nanti diorang susah nak diam heh heh

Farra Da Smiley said...

alemak, mus'ab blom sampai tahap 'seronok sakan' lagi
wah wah iman lg hebat dh kira up to 12

Ajzie said...

Alhamdulilah kakak sudah happy ke sekolah..

ummi said...

farra ~ taktaulah coincident or what. sejak dia masuk tadika ni, banyak jugak improvement dia in terms of vocab and communication skill. alhamdulillah. not to worry tho, budak2 membesar at different pace.

ajzie ~ alhamdulillah. takdelah panjang sgt muncung dia tu pagi2..