Tuesday, October 30, 2007

On Prolonged Morning Sickness

It's 2.30a.m. and I can't sleep. I did slept from 9.30p.m (or so) after a dose of paracetamol, ubat batuk and ubat selsema. Woke up to a grumbling in my stomach from hunger at almost 2.00a.m. Tried to get back to sleep but to no avail. Popped up a handful of Herseys and gulped down some chocolate milk. Tho the hunger slowly going away, I am still very much awake.

My morning sickness is persistenly, still here. As the name goes, it hits me the most in the morning. I'd be all pening and meloya-loya (spelling?) until almost noon. And as the sun descends, it'd all came back, leaving me too tired to even play with the kids. Among the 3, this one really takes a toll on me. I had hope by the end of my 1st trimester (I am now in my 13th week already), it'd all go away but I guess Allah decides to test me a little bit longer. Thanks to Tebby, who minds the kids. Dinner, playtime, TVtime, Q&A sessions. Thanks yang, I really appreciate that.

Lots of things happened in the past week but office tasks left me with no time. There was office Raya's celebration (which I missed - was on MC that day), Atfal Raya's celebration (which I also missed, Kakak went with Tebby only, not to frustrate her excitement, so to speak). We did not go to any of the open-houses or open-offices that we were invited to last weekend as well. And I totally forgot that this week Kakak is sitting for her final and last kindy exam before the real schooling starts next year.

I guess I'd better try to get some more sleep now. Hope thatI'd be better tomorrow onwards.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Salam Syawal

We were back in KL yesterday. Except Kakak, who had (still is) great time at my parents' and decided to stay back. She'll be back with my brother this weekend. Sampaikan semalam call pun tak berapa nak bercakap, busy bebenor.

Cadangnya nak start keje today but Atfal still tutup so dok rumah mengemas and membasuh kain. Punyalah menimbun, habis semua pagar depan dengan belakang! Jiran-jiran pun masih belum ramai yang balik. Senyap sunyi aje. Jiran kiri, kanan dan belakang pun masih belum habis beraya di kampung masing-masing. Tebby dah start keje dah.

Eid was celebrated sederhana in both Tebby's and my kampung. Takdelah pegi ziarah banyak sangat pun, kecuali sedara-mara terdekat. With Iman, susah sikit nak ke sana-sini. Faham-faham sajalah dia tu. Hari Raya pertama, MIL buat Nasi Beryani, kedua pulak bakar sate. Hari Raya ketiga, Nasi Lemak sebelum kami 4 beranak berangkat ke Temerloh. Singgah di Muktafibillah dan sempat lunch di rumah mak sedara Tebby. Dapat makan lidah goreng, sedap! Kami sampai di Temerloh dalam pukul 5pm gitu. Esoknya ke Jerantut rumah bapak saudara (adik my father). Seronok dengar cerita diorang masa kecik-kecik dulu. Sedar tak sedar dah 3 jam kami kat situ. Sempatlah makan Mihun Soto yang lazat. Malamnya ke rumah Abang Long saya di bandar Temerloh. Mihun Sup pulak. Keesokannya kami ke Bentong, rumah adik mak saya. Makan Mi Kari dan nasi berlauk bagai. Hari Khamis sebelum bertolak ke KL, ke rumah mak sedara saya. Kakak dan Iman terus serbu reban ayam kat belakang rumah, adeh. Iman langsung tak naik ke rumah, dok berlari kat laman sampailah kami balik. Collection duit raya anak-anak so-so lah. Saya pun tak nak diorang ni ada perception yang duit raya tu as vital part of Eid celebration. Yang nyatanya akan saya bank-in ke Tabung Haji masing-masing. Jangan tak tau Tebby masih dapat duit raya dari Along (my eldest SIL).

Saya pulak masih loya-loya dan muntah-muntah. Dah masuk 11 weeks dah. Perut pun dah membulat. Yang berbezanya sekarang, selera makan saya dah mula naik. Kalau kena dengan lauknya, mau bertambah-tambah saya makan. Hari tu kat kampung, lauknya cuma sup ayam, ikan goreng dan sambal tempoyak. Pehh... sib baik nasi dalam periuk dah habis. Esoknya pulak, dek sebab saya nak sangat makan pisang goreng, mak saya gorengkan pisang semangkuk besar. Apalagi, dekat 1/2 mangkuk tu saya sorang aje yang makan. Tapi kalau tak kena gayanya, apa pun depan mata, saya usik sikit aje. Bab makan waktu mengandung ni saya kena hati-hati sikit, takut anak jadi besar. Waktu bersalinkan Kakak, Dr Jemilah dah warning saya, baby paling besar saya boleh bersalin normal mungkin pada takat 3.5kg saja (which is birthweight Kakak).

Salam Syawal dari saya....

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Salam Aidil Fitri dari Ummi Sekeluarga

Salam Aidil Fitri
Maaf Zahir & Batin
dari Abah, Ummi, Athirah & Iman (& baby)

[1] Kami akan pulang ke Temerloh malam esok selepas Isya'. Pagi Khamis akan bertolak ke Kuala Terengganu sehingga 3 Eid. Sambung raya di Temerloh sampai Khamis 6 Eid dan masuk kerja pada 22 Oktober.

[2] Doakan perjalanan kami dipermudah dan diselamatkan. Same to you all, semoga semuanya selamat dan diberkati.

Friday, October 05, 2007

23 Ramadhan 1428H

I'm on mc again. I've worked for 3 straights days this week (which is a record since kena muntah2 nih) and semalam I felt giddy. It turned out that my BP dropped to 90/60. So I brokefast and got 2 days of mc. Just when I thought I felt a bit better sahur tadi, kena lak c*r*t. Sampai pukul 8.30a.m. ni ha, dah 5 kali. Maybe kena berbuka jugak ni kang sebab kaki pun dah lembek dah nih. Saya akan start bercuti Khamis depan, maknanya ada lagi 3 hari bekerja. Kalau saya kerja 3 hari full next week, maknanya sepanjang Ramadhan tahun ni, saya cuma bekerja 7 hari saja..... rekod tu. Saya mintak doa banyak-banyak that I'll be well after raya nih.


Remember our Laman Project? It took them 3 days to finish-off from cleaning and clearing stage to eventually install a wood-deck. All done and all paid for already. Tebby and I are simple people so we want a simple concept. Afterall, the kids still need some space to run on without having to go into bushes. Nothing too much. We conveyed what we want as well as our budget. In the end we have a lawnful of green phillipines grass, 2 kembojas, a shrub of yellow irises, some purple crawlers, 2 spikey plant (I don't know their real names), some pebbles, stepping stones and 3 railway sleepers. On the other side, we have 3 bushes of dual-tone plants, some pebbles and green green grass. And yes, a 8x9 wood-deck made of resak wood. What's missing are garden bench and a table as well as a tempayan. Ni kena tunggu budget lain nih. Balik kampung kidnap tempayan Wan saya boleh? Oh, the concept? The Landscape Architect said it's Modern Tropica. After they were done with their job, kami pulak susun pokok-pokok dalam pasu yang sedia ada tu. 1/2 hari je cukuplah, flat terus.....

So sharing a few photos right from the beginning until it is done.

Other photos can be viewed here.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Iman is 3yo (Hijrah) Now!

I knew I was missing 'something' yesterday. Something happened on 20th Ramadhan years back and I just could not recall what it was yesterday, until en-route back home.

20th Ramadhan 1425H, I gave birth to Iman at 1.37p.m, APSH. He weighed 3.3kg at birth and let out an almost relieving cry to my ears after fighting for his life being strangled and pulled by his own umbilical cord. And I fought for mine. It was a much shorter but far more painful and hard labor than Athirah's. And Tebby cried while repeatedly telling me that he did not want us to go through this again and that he did not mind having just 2 kids. (Obviously Allah has better plan than us, we are now expecting the 3rd one).

When I first saw him naked, I was so surprised and did not know what to say. Tebby did not say anything as well tho I knew what was in his mind. Despite being a 3.3kg, Iman was a frail and fragile looking little baby. His ribcage was obviously showing, almost protuding from his chest with a little stomach that sunk a bit. He had dry skin that it cracked and we could see the flesh inside. The vacuum procedure added to that by leaving his head benjol and blue-black. He even had that 'kesian' look in his face. Seriously. Nevetheless, I stick to my idea to have him circumcised before we bring him back home.

That was 3 years ago. He's now one bubbly boy with lots of things to deal with. Despite being sick, despite being overly active - he adds so much joy into our lives.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

20 Ramadhan 1428H

Diam tak diam dah 20 hari berpuasa (saya 15 ajek so far - semalam kantoi lagi, muntah dari pagi). Biasanya bila dah 10 hari terakhir ni, cepat aje rasanya kan. Tambah pulak, kerja berlambak kat ofis nih. Sabar....

Dan akhirnya, saya berjaya mengheret diri sendiri membeli baju raya anak-anak dan mak anak dan pak anak. Dek sebab lembek longlai Ramadhan kali ni, saya memang hilang mood nak buat preparation. Sampaikan kakak saya marah, dia kata 'engko tu takpelah takde mood raya, budak-budak mesti nak beraya sedikit sebanyak'. Tapi kan.... tapi kan... when I started, tu diaaaaa....... nak tau 'hasil tangkapan' saya so far..

[1] 2 pasang baju untuk Athirah. Like she requested, sepasang baju kurung warna purple. Saya beli di PSA. Lagi sepasang ialah long-pants MIKI and long-sleeve t-shirt KIKO. Except baju kurung, lenlain semua ada discount hebat. Tak lalu saya nak membeli baju budak-budak sampai nak mencecah ratus ringgit sehelai. Oh ya, anak dara tu mintak dibeli rantai matching dengan baju kurungnya!

[2] 2 pasang baju untuk Iman. Dia tak request apa-apa sebab masih belum reti nak demand-demand ni! Sehelai seluar 3/4 sama kaler dengan seluar Athirah cap MIKI (got discount), a shirt from IQ and sepasang t-shirt and seluar from cap JUSCO.

[3] 1 pasang baju kurung riau untuk saya dari PSA. Sama kaler dan material dengan Athirah. Cuma saya punya lebih vogue gitu, kelip kelap dengan batu permata bertaburan he.. he.. siap dapat matching tudung and brooch free lagi tu..

[4] 1 helai shirt grain-neck for Tebby. Toksah pujuk lah dia pakai baju melayu sepasang time raya-raya ni. Mesti pakai shirt (lepas semayang tukar t-shirt pulok). Last dia pakai baju melayu sepasang masa kami bernikah 7 tahun lepas.

[5] 16 tabung tart nenas! 2 untuk kami, 5 untuk staff saya dan 9 untuk cikgu/pengasuh di Atfal Sayang/Excel.

[6] 4 bekas biskut dengan nama yang pelik-pelik.

[7] 2 biji kek lapis prune dan another 2 lapis masam manis.

Katakanlah mood saya bershopping ni wujud dari 1st day puasa -> *saya pengsan* ->*tebby double pengsan* !!!