I hope my old scale is wrong. Stepped on it last night and know what, I piled another 3 kg within the last one month. Tebby, who was all silent on my eating habit for the past 5 months, has started to gear up and watches my diet. I know he means well as 80%-90% of what I eat, usually ended up to the babies. This is based on my past pregnancies. Excessive eating and weight-gain may result me end up in the OT and not LDR! Scary huh!
I am all itchy-and-scratchy but trying hard to refrain from scarring myself. I have upgraded myself into old nursing-b** and I have started leaking yellow subtance for a week or two already. The next appointment will be this Friday and I shall update more later. Can't wait to see our Little Muhammad. (Tebby's choice - Muhammad Adam, my choice - Muhammad Abdullah -> haven't really decided tho) He's all kicking and moving and at times he sends me right to the loo!
I'm done shopping for mittens-booties and pairs of pyjama and bodysuits. Well, I hope I'm done but who knows if I shop again kan.. kan.. kan.. Apa kata kita cerita pasal shopping? Yess... retail theraphy. This 'event' happened many weeks before. Just did not have the mood to blog about how it depleted my account hu hu!!
As planned, went shopping on Friday, weeks ago. Originally, I took a day off but then something urgent and important came up that I spent the whole morning in the office. I might as well take just 1/2 a day off, so did I. Tu pun nyaris-nyaris tak jadi sebab hujan lebat sangat time lunch tu so had my lunch first with Sikulat, Zarid, Bi and Lela before pushing my luck for a cab at nearly 1.30p.m. At almost 2.00p.m, I was at Midvalley, all set for a spree.
Aussino was completely unplanned for. They had a sale near Jusco entrance. I stopped and looked and shopped. Bought plain-dye pillow-cases. I love plains! RM10.50 for a pack-of-2. Bought 3 packs. They were selling 3-in-a-set towel for RM49.90, buy one free one, so I had these also. Kakak later claimed the towels are hers so.. those are hers now.. sigh. Bedlinens... hemmm... I just stood at the shelves thinking. First, did I really need new linens? Secondly, am I really an Aussino type? The answers were, no and no. I did not need new bedlinens and I am not an Aussino fan. I still love my Macy's most. Subtle, understated, perhaps a bit dull. Hey, that sounds like me!
Kakak immediately claimed ownership on all these!Next, proceeded with my original plan. To buy things for Little Muhammad. I am done with mittens-booties. I was there for clothes. I first ransaked Jusco's baby department and bought 10-pairs of long-sleeve suit. Anakku, Pigeon, Pride & Joy and ntah apa-apa lagi lah. Da** expensive these days. Hardly things tagged below RM10. There was a 'lambak' kinda of things but to get one pair was hard enough. Let alone finding the right size and I was getting tired of standing up. I ended up buying things on the shelves. Whites and blues, greens and beiges. Sungguh geram with all the girly things. Waraskah saya kalau selepas ini berusaha for a girl pulak hanya kerana baju-baju budak perempuan yang sungguh cantik?? Oh tidak. Tebby is gonna faint if I tell him this. (In fact, I told him. He said 'we don't bet on that..')
My next spot was Kamdar. Just when I thought everything was taken care of, I still need to furnish things for Kakak. Barely 2 weeks in primary, her baju kurung already koyak! And I feel I need to add-up her collections. Tak larat nak memberus weekdays. 4 more baju kurungs. This time I bought el-cheapo ones, priced at RM11.00 each. Sarong are sold at RM24 each, more or less the same with other places. Kain ela was tagged at RM4.50 per-metre. To me, sarong are easy-peasy to make so I bought kain ela to top up her dark-blue sarongs for sekolah kebangsaan and green for sekolah agama.
Then off to Mom's Care, nak mencari onesies or bodysuits but none really attracted me so I went a bit further to Mothercare. I knew I would get something there. Yesss... baju-katak! I love babies in baju-katak especially those with fat, chubby thighs. I got Little Muhammad 3 sleeveless-bodysuit and another 3 bodysuit with short sleeve. Also looked for towels but they sell 3-in-a-pack for over RM100! Better look somewhere else. Yes, those were adorable, cute and attractive but alhamdulillah I came to my senses! And yes, had I bought those, Tebby is going to faint!
The spree did not end there. I browsed through WOC next for short-sleeve-with-short-suits. Nothing much left. Maybe masa cuti sekolah hari tu dah habis kena borong kot. There were 2 areas 'lambak' but I just did not have the heart nor the energy to pick and choose from the whole lot. Left with just 2 pairs.
A quick glance showed that I had one hour more before Tebby come and join me for dinner. I might as well just buy everything under clothes-category in my shopping list. I literally dragged myself to Metrojaya. They have better and newer collections, displayed in a more tidy way than Jusco's so I didn't have much problem selecting. Little Muhammad gets 3 more short-sleeve-with short and 5-short-sleeve-with-long-pants. And 2 bath towels.
Shopping bags hanging from both hands, I dragged myself slowly back to Jusco for Asar prayer. All tired but satisfied. I don't know when is going to be the next time I can go shopping in peace (read: without the kids) so with all the purchases, I was (and still am) satisfied and happy and relieved. The cost? Don't ask. It's more than preparing for Kakak even! Tebby came around a little bit after 5.30p.m and headed straight to Sushi King for light dinner.

long pants with long sleeve suits.
short pants with short sleeve suits
long pants with short sleeve suits
So, expectant moms out there, are you not motivated? he.. he..