What more naturally to come after ver-2 if it's not ver-3 right?
Have storage issue due to loadful of photos I uploaded here.
Time to move on.
I'll be here http://ummimon-ver3.blogspot.com
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
of Ximenia & Salt Scrub
photo - credit to http://myorganicjourney11.blogspot.com |
I am currently in one of the phases again :P
Fasa men-dandan diri :D :D
There's 2 things that get me motivated.
One is beautiful women - in prints or seen in real life.
The other is.. well.. er.. I'll just keep that one to myself for now..
I can't even remember when did I buy a tub of The Body Shop Ximenia & Salt Scrub (from its Spa Wisdom range). When I tried to open it up yesterday, the metal securing the lid to the body already karat. The inside was not affected tho. Color remains. Smell remains. Phew!! Still can use to sental ..
Mandi first and leave your body wet before applying this.Texture is kinda 'rich' with tiny miny beads of salt. The salt beads dissolved much too soon to my liking. You can expect this from someone who uses Himalaya Salt as body scrub. During my pay-less days I even resorted to table salt ha ha!
Rinse and towel-dry. No need to sabun sabun anymore as that will remove the moisture. Tak berminyak, don't worry and my hands are noticeably well moisturized today. Too bad I wasn't paying attention to both feet :P Kalau compare macam kaki and tangan belong to 2 different people :D
You can buy this at The Body Shop outlets or online via http://www.thebodyshop.com.my for RM99 per tub. Or via http://my.bestbuy-world.com/ for RM79.00.
Fasa men-dandan diri :D :D
There's 2 things that get me motivated.
One is beautiful women - in prints or seen in real life.
The other is.. well.. er.. I'll just keep that one to myself for now..
I can't even remember when did I buy a tub of The Body Shop Ximenia & Salt Scrub (from its Spa Wisdom range). When I tried to open it up yesterday, the metal securing the lid to the body already karat. The inside was not affected tho. Color remains. Smell remains. Phew!! Still can use to sental ..
Mandi first and leave your body wet before applying this.Texture is kinda 'rich' with tiny miny beads of salt. The salt beads dissolved much too soon to my liking. You can expect this from someone who uses Himalaya Salt as body scrub. During my pay-less days I even resorted to table salt ha ha!
Rinse and towel-dry. No need to sabun sabun anymore as that will remove the moisture. Tak berminyak, don't worry and my hands are noticeably well moisturized today. Too bad I wasn't paying attention to both feet :P Kalau compare macam kaki and tangan belong to 2 different people :D
You can buy this at The Body Shop outlets or online via http://www.thebodyshop.com.my for RM99 per tub. Or via http://my.bestbuy-world.com/ for RM79.00.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Salam AidilFitri 1433H
us - Syawal 1433H
Salam AidilFitri.
Maaf Zahir Batin.
ps - sticky post. scroll down for my usual ramblings..
Salam AidilFitri.
Maaf Zahir Batin.
ps - sticky post. scroll down for my usual ramblings..
Friday, September 14, 2012
of Tanamera Splurge
The other day I was scrolling (while drooling) Fossil's website and Tebby made a remark about it. Told him I was just browsing and was not going to buy anything (was? apakah?). He said 'ala.. cakap je, pastu sokmo bawak balik kotak'
So you notice eh? :D
So you notice eh? :D
The last box I came home with was this. Tanamera splurge. Bought online. With all these online-thingy, it is hard to refrain myself. Kena pulak some enjoyable experience at their wellness center. *ahem* But I can't possibly go everyweek or even every fortnightly kan. If I can't go to the spa, let's bring the spa back home :D :D
Body soap. Brown Formulation & White Formulation. I have tried Brown Formulation. It's a soap cum scrub. Macam ada serdak-serdak sabut kelapa. I remember when I was small, my Mok will tenyeh jari kaki dengan sabut nyor. Zaman dulu mana ada loofah semua tu. If ada pun, we couldn't afford it. Membesar di kampung, main dalam semak samun, just imagine all the daki we accumulated ha ha. Anyway, the Brown Formulation has tumeric, wild ginger, cinnamon and fragrant roots (among others). I thought it's going to be spice-smelling soap but it's not.
White formulation belum try. Kenot komen yet.
As for the scrub, I have tried Himalayan Salt. Painful lesson, I'd say. Jangan tenyeh kuat2 sangat. Pedihhhhhh ha ha.
White formulation belum try. Kenot komen yet.
As for the scrub, I have tried Himalayan Salt. Painful lesson, I'd say. Jangan tenyeh kuat2 sangat. Pedihhhhhh ha ha.
Sengkuang Facial Scrub and Hibiscus Facial Mask. Tried them both. I especially love the Hibiscus Facial Mask. Very soothing.. My only problem was Adam. Mask ni jenis kena biar kering kat muka. And of course I can't talk, laugh, sengih while the process was going on. Adam had problem with me being so 'serious'.. not talking, not laughing, not smiling. Kept on asking to talk to him. To laugh with him. Adoila....
Freebies! Bath powder in sachets - Hibiscus, Ginger and Pandan. FOC, sapa tak suka.. eventhough I do not know how to use these (yet). Masuk dalam bathtub kah? Marinade yourself with that concoction kah? Macam ayam pulak nak marinade-marinade yer.
In bottles are Spa Surya product - facial wash and moisturiser kalau tak silap. Belum try.
Free lagik.. Voucher worth RM50. Suka! Suka!
Yang, you can expect more boxes coming in :D
Thursday, September 13, 2012
of Kitchen (Reno)
Bored yet? Hi hi.. If you are, please go play somewhere else eh.
The reno is going on well. The backyard is walled up, leaving 2 slots for window and one for backdoor. Last week Tebby called up on roof color. Already? It excites me with this reno thingy going on but being excited and to actually take action deciding are two different thing meh. Another example. Kitchen. We are to decide the length of table run, which to date we haven't since we still don't have the idea as to where to place the fridge, the oven (yes, finally!) and whatnots. More like I still don't because Tebby leaves that to me. Poor me. It is foreseen that he will spend more time in the kitchen, better let him design eh? But wardobe - n'est touche pas, sil vous plait. Almari baju, leave that to me. Since it is foreseen I'll spend more time than he would in that later on he he.
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credit to www.digaruk.com |
*Cinta* Classic yet no frills. White, so 'suci' looking kitchen. Simple straight lines. But imagine the amount of kunyit, rempah, kicap that my kids adore......... maybe not. And all the tumis menumis......
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credit to senihias.com |
Or this. Black. I am on two extremes, yes I know it. Also *cinta* this one. Simple. The only thing ai tak setuju is kaler sinki tu. Er.. yellow? But then again, this is someone else's house :D Ai kenot setuju or tak setuju hihi.
This is, or rather was my backyard. Wet area. My 8yo 13kg washing machine which I cinta so much. And a sink. Sink will go. Washing machine will be placed somewhere else as this our kitchen area will be extended including here.
Progress 8 days later. Allready half walled-up. Earlier they dug 3 deep holes along the edge where my pagar used to be.
Where I used to dry my laundry. We installed an awning along this area for that purpose when we first moved in way back in June 2003 (yep, I am sentimental like that).
Progress 8 days later. Huge I tell you.. my window. 6 feet wide. That slot is going to be a bay-window.. been drooling for that for years! Bolehlah ai letak pokok bunga kat bay tu nanti and if I'm lucky they will last for few months hihi..
I don't know what the term is. Some kind of aluminium-ly looking sheet on the roof frame. A layer before installing the actually clay roofing. We picked dark brown.Tengok hujung sheet tu yang terlipat sikit tu? It irritates me just by looking at that, feels like climbing up and smoothen it ha ha.
From 8th September to date, dah banyak progression. The whole dapur dah walled up and floor cemented. Roof installed. I had meant to photograph bit-by-bit on the renovation but let's just say up to now, I have failed. Sampai rumah balik keje pun dah gelap :P
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami.
Monday, September 10, 2012
of One Week Renovation
Until our renovation process is over, I am gonna bore you with it :D.
This, by any means is not written (and shall not be written) as showing off. Merely documenting for our keepsakes. If anyone asked (which I already received aplenty of them) if it's gonna be 'hebat', my answer would be, a house is just wall, roofs and beams. It is us who live in it that makes it hebat of not.
2nd September 2012 (Sunday), a day after we moved out. One day before surrendering our house key to contractor. Photo taken from sliding door, at left side, overlooking at what once I can call our garden. Pokok kemboja tu initially was just my height. Now, dah sampai ke tingkat atas tingginya. That, will have to go.And the wood deck and pergola. They will have to go too (sobs). I remember 5 years back masa we all buat garden tu. I was in 1st trimester with Adam. Tengah morning sickness yang teruk. Kids used to have tea kat deck tu.
Photo taken from right side, overlooking our gate, which once I scratched my car against. Current driveway can accomodate two cars front and back. After this, side by side. The building will be extended sampai ke rendered cement tu.This very porch also seen piece of ceiling jatuh hempap kereta kecil ku.. leaving a minor dent on the bumper.
My jiran is still undergoing renovation process. As seen, dia dah ada buat pagar so we'll just tiru his pagar on the other side. The goes my wooden fence but that saves almost 1/2 of cost for pagar.
Nampak tu siling yang berlubang? Dekat lampu tu? Itulah yang jatuh. Luckily it was my car. If it's Tebby's, dunno la. You know, men and their car.. they're romantically involved.
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Main door currently kat tengah, we shall have it at the side later. And that pintu, as if tau-tau aje,.. dah rosak. Tak boleh bukak katup. For about 2 months we used the sliding door to get in and out.
The front, photo taken last Saturday, around a week after work commenced. Nothing much eh? Majority is taking place at backyard actually. We already have tiang, beams and even dinding dapur at the back. (and yet I am updating rumah belah depan ha ha) And atap too, already pasang. Eventually we opted for dark brown clay roof. That shall match our open-carcass porch later InsyaAllah.
The mess kat our porch now. They've dug 2 holes right and left for new tiang. Exactly why we moved out of the house. I can't imagine my jiran staying in with all these happening in their porch area.... tabah betul they ols. Seriously, I can't imagine myself nak sapu habuk, mop lantai.. everyday!
See that boy marching in? On right side? Tak dapat main pasir pantai, pasir rumah pun jadikkkk!! Sampai kena sound dengan Pakcik baju oren tu baru dia stop. Pakcik tu is like Site Manager la. He's over 70 already actually. Before 8.00am dah sampai buat kerja.
We pray to Allah that it's going to be as planned without major hiccup and InsyaAllah by new year 2013 we'll move in back. This is something we've been wanting to do for years, and now, having sorted things out financially and logistically, work has commenced 3rd September 2012.
Friday, September 07, 2012
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