Thursday, March 15, 2007


Remember my entry about gardening? Pokok bunga gantung Kakak didn't make it. Slowly dying despite my effort. Maybe tak abis buang penyakit-penyakit tu kot. The other pasu is surviving gracefully. Just need to make sure it gets enough water and sun. Not too much and not too little.

As a consolation to the dying pokok, our tomato is growing. Still can be cosidered as 'babies' but at least they managed to sprout through the seeds and eventually grow. Masa memula tanam tu, almost give up dah. 2-3 hari dok tengok-tengok, there was no sign of living thing pun. On day 4 barulah nampak 2 or 3 very tiny sprout. Lepas tu makin banyak. I was skeptical about using those seeds bought in foil pack actually. Nampaknya berjaya hidup.

the seeds, in foil pack

after 2 weeks

I mix tanah biasa and tanah hitam. Campur baja sikit. Then semai benih. Then tutup bekas semaian dengan plastik. Lepas dah tumbuh, baru buang tutup plastik tu. From my reading, after anak pokok tu umurnya at least sebulan or bila ada at least 4 daun, boleh transfer into pasu besar or tempat tanaman sebenarnya. Ours has more than 4 leaves already walaupun belum cukup sebulan. Kira dah boleh pindah dah. But still finding time to do it. Furthermore belum beli pasu and jaring 'sunshade' tu lagi. For that also, we're still finding time untuk membelinya.

If you're stressed out, rather than go shopping, why not try gardening. Best tau...


aida said...

wah, dah tu tak payah beli tomato ek.. jimat, jimat :)

ummi said...

aida ~ kita kan tengah berjimat cermat...