Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tagged By K Ina

Tag from Kak Ina
I got to know her in cyber world because we have one thing in common. We breastfeed.

Name: Pen name & household name -> Ummi

Sister(s): 3. 2 elders and 1 younger. 1 of the elders passed away many years ago due to road accident and I haven't seen the other one for 3 years due to some domestic problems. We are in touch tho.

Brother(s): 2 (both are elders). One is a banker and another is in MLM driving a white Beemer

Shoe size: 6/7 depending on the brand.

Height: 152 cm

Where do you live: Outskirt of KL but looking forward to a more 'kampung' environment.

Have you ever been on a plane : Yes. First time was on business trip to Langkawi, the last being trip balik kampung to Tgg. Trip overseas limited to mengekor suami outstation.

Swam in the ocean: Owhh... ku tak pandai berenang.

Fallen asleep at school: Who didn't?

Broken someone’s heart: Guess whose are those when I had to stay back in the office late? I have 3 small hearts to jaga.

Fell off your chair: Almost. Banyak sangat kerja kat ofis and I had to brought some back home. I fell asleep while typing on the laptop and hampir2 berguling jatuh.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: I don't think so. I am a practical person, need I say more?

Saved e-mails: I did and still do

What is your room like: Sometimes it's a lovenest, sometimes it's a hospital bed when any of the kids is sick.

What’s right beside you: A computer mouse

What is the last thing you ate: Soto Nasi

Ever had…
Chicken pox: Never
Sore throat: Doesn't everybody once in a while?
Stitches: Given birth to big babies, yup, I am stitched up :P
Broken nose: Nope

Do you…
Believe in love at first sight : I don't.
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with: Adam kot? Or was it Iman?
Last made you smile: Tebby

Today did you…
Talk to someone you like: yes
Get sick: nope
Miss someone: maybe

Did you ever…
Kissed anyone: I am married, of course I kissed someone.
Talk to an ex: Yup. Just borak kosong. Tanya khabar.
Miss your ex: Tak pernah.

Who do you really hate: I don't really hate people, I just hate them

Do you like your hand-writing: I can't even read mine after sometime. Ni kisah benar OK.

Are your toe nails painted: Nope

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: I love my bed.

What color shirt are you wearing now: A kebaya I started wearing even before I was married.

Are you a friendly person: Depends

Do you have any pets: Now? Nope.
Do you sleep with the TV on: Sometime.
What are you doing right now: Doing this

Can you handle the truth: This is an real world, isn't it. We all have to.

Are you closer to your mother or father: Neither

Do you eat healthy: At times

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: Rasanya semua dah musnah

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: Tebby

Are you loud or quiet most of the time: Depending on the company I have.

Are you confident: Depends

I have 2 more tags to do... tunggu ya CikWawi dan Limaunipis! (sambil kemas meja)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

End of Tahun 1, SKBTHO (2)

Pejam celik, pejam celik, anak sulung saya dah pun menamatkan Tahun 1 sekolah kebangsaan dan juga sekolah agama. Terasa baru semalam, saya dan Tebby mengantar dia memulakan hari pertama. Diikuti dengan perasaan cemas, bimbang, risau yang tak tentu hala bilamana dia mula naik bas sekolah ke sekolah agama. Pergi dan balik. Ya kawan-kawan, cuma kurang lebih 150-200 meter sahaja jaraknya tapi, tapi... susah nak gambarkan perasaan seorang ibu. Tambah-tambah pulak ibu jenis pathetic dan paranoia macam saya nih.

Selepas setahun, saya boleh concludekan dia so-so di sekolah. Subjek yang dia suka i.e. Bahasa Inggeris dan Sains, cukup baik markahnya. Paling sedikit is Math. Peratusan exam akhir merosot 10% dari exam pertengahan tahun. Saya meletakkan sebahagian besar kesilapan dan kelemahan pada diri saya sendiri. Tidak konsisten, tidak cukup masa mentelaah bersama-sama. Ya kawan-kawan, kadang-kadang si Kakak tidak buat homeworknya. Saya pun tak perasan. Teruk kan.

Apapun, moving forward, dalam masa bercuti 1 1/2 bulan ni, saya cuba mengajar semula Math. Yang basic-basic pun saya ajarkan. Mengira 1-10. Addition with maximum 10. Nampak remeh tapi saya percaya kalau foundationnya lemah, susah untuk dia memahami yang lebih kompleks nanti. Kalau tengok buku-buku anak-anak sekarang, walaupun Tahun 1, terasa mudahnya zaman-zaman kita dulu. Ibaratnya, kalau kita dulu..
tapi sekarang
One less than 3 is 2

Ya kawan-kawan, the key is kefahaman.

And I wish I could spend (more like I should have spent) more time mentelaah dengan dia. Saya tidak boleh meletakkan alasan kesibukan saya bekerja untuk kelemahan Kakak. Dan Kakak menjadi mangsa kesibukan saya.

Coretan sekitar hari pertama Kakak awal tahun dulu. Basi, kan. Sekurang-kurangnya masih dalam tahun yang sama kan kan kan.

My Princess, lining up masuk ke kelas.
In all new uniform, with new school bag.
(bag itu sekarang harus dibuang saja, memang hancus sudah!)

Barisan murid tahun 1 2008.
Para ibubapa dan penjaga yang sarat dengan harapan.
SKBTHO (2) menerima 400 orang murid tahun 1!
Ramai, kan? Sangat...

Sesi 'stalking' pertama.
To make sure she did as told.
Masa nak balik, pegi kantin dan tunggu hingga Maksu (pengasuh di Atfal Sayang) datang ambik.
Jangan pergi mana-mana.
She did as told.
And she caught us hiding behind a pillar.
Tiang tak cukup besar nak sembunyi En Tebby and the then pregnant me.
Lepas tu stalking dia naik bas ke sekolah agama.
Then nyorok lagi tengok dia naik bas balik dari sekolah agama.
Esoknya tengok dia pegi sekolah dengan ditemani Siti.
Kan saya dah kata saya ni pathehic dan paranoia..

Masa ni sesi pagi berakhir dan nak mula sesi petang.
Ya Tuhan, ngalahkan Jalan TAR time2 nak raya.
Sampaikan guard yang sepatutnya menjaga kawasan rumah tu, menceburkan diri jadi polis trafik lah pulak!

Moving on about cuti sekolah ni.

We haven't really planned anything (in definite) yet at this point. Yang pasti seminggu dua sebelum saya ke Langkawi, saya akan hantar Kakak to spend sometime dengan atok dan wan di kampung. Psstt.. atok dan wan dihadiahkan TV 32 inci, Kakak tak sabar nak kongsi sama!. Masa menjemput Kakak nanti, dijemput sekali atok dan wan untuk peneman anak-anak saya sepanjang saya ke Langkawi. Weekend berikutnya baru hantar semula atok dan wan ke kampung. Saya juga ada rancang untuk ke Melaka / Port Dickson. Just weekend getaway. Overnight trip to enlighthen the kids. Kalau semua orang sihat, insyaAllah.

Oh ya.. selalunya kalau cuti sekolah ni traffic less heavy kan. So... setelah setahun 2 bulan tidak drive ke ofis, pagi tadi saya telah drive ke ofis. Masih bertemankan En Tebby. Ada ke patut En Tebby suruh press minyak kasi laju-laju. Isk isk isk. Ya kawan-kawan, kami sampai in one piece, saya punch in exactly at 8.30a.m. Siap singgah makan nasi lemak kat Pantai Dalam lagi...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy 6 Months Old Adam

Our unplanned pregnancy turns into one healthy, happy, smiling baby.
Today, he turns 6 months-old too.
Happy 6 months-old Adam.

Alhamdulillah, I am still breastfeeding Adam. Glad that I passed the first target albeit not 100%. But still,.. this is something I am proud of. Adam has started solid in his 5th month. So far he does not show any allergic reaction to all kinds of food I've introduced to him. Not much yet. The current list consists of plain rice, carrots, apples, dates and tomatoes. He always.. always finishes his meals. They say, an apple doesn't fall far from the tree, kan.

He caught minor eye-infection recently. I took 2 days off from the office. During the 2 days, he finally managed to 'nyulur' foward a bit after starting to roll over in his 3rd month. Woww.. that was quite sometime kan. With his newly acquired skill, last night he grabbed Iman's bowl of milk (yesss people.. Iman drinks plain milk from a bowl.. too much Tom and Jerry). I was performing my Maghrib. When I was done, Adam was already swimming in it. Who says being parent is easy kan. When he wants to be picked up, he'd put his little hands in mine.

He babbles a lot! Says maaamaaaa, babaaaabaaaa. He also menyembur-nyembur lately. Kinda cute when he does that. (I'm his mother, of course I'd think that way).

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Trip To Zoo Negara - 1 Nov 2008

Kami ke Zoo Negara Sabtu lepas. 1 November 2008. Ingatkan belum start cuti sekolah, aman lah sikit. It turned out that ramaiiiiiii... ada banyak bas kat parking lot. We came early, sampai sana before 10 am lagi. Kiranya time tu, nak park keta pun masih boleh pilih-pilih lot lagi lah. Tebby asked if Iman was already there when we last came. Kakak pon belum pandai berjalan lagi Yang time tu :P. This time Kakak was especially excited. Sangat-sangat teruja. Iman pulak, apa-apa aktiviti luar rumah, semuanya mengujakan dia. Adam, walaupun masih belum mengerti, was a good boy.

Ya kawan-kawan, anak-anak saya cuma yang berbaju hijau dan pink saja. Susah tol nak ambik gambar elok-elok. Penat Ummi bagi arahan. Sudahnya ada orang interframe pulak. Ye lah, dah lama norr kat lokasi, shooting tak start2 jugek... Kakak sangat terkejut sebab dia tak sangka giraffes are actually THATTT tall.

The kids running away after they frightened the birds resting on the lake bank. Yes, mereka telah senyap-senyap menghampiri burung-burung yang tak berdosa dan kemudiannya menterkejutkan burung-burung tersebut. Burung sebok lari, depa pun sebok lari sama.

Ni dekat Savannah Walk. Kali ni, it was my turn gawking. Itu burung unta sangat besar!! I think that thing can easily topple my ViVa if it had the chance. Kakak sangat happy dapat jumpa zebra face to face. The zebra was bleating and she went 'bunyi apa tu' (dia ni penakut, bunyi2 asing tu memang menggerunkan dia). Kat sini para zebra, ostrich, giraffe (kaum-kaum herbivor) dikumpulkan berkawan-kawan.

Ni di lokasi para apes. Ye kawan-kawan, monyet dan keluarganya. They (I mean the caretakers) sold bananas. Mere half sikat for RM3.00. The kids bought (I paid btw) dan kemudian dengan gembiranya memberi monyet-monyet itu makan pisang. Kakak marah betul kat sekor monyet tu. Monyet tu ala2 hypers sikit. Kalau kita baling ke kiri, dia lompat ke kiri tangkap pisang. Kalau kita baling ke kanan, dia lari ke kanan. Makanya kawan-kawannya yang agak pasif tu, tak dapat le pisang. Gambar tu menunjukkan Iman baru habis sesi melontar pisang.

Phew... finally. Gambar together-gether. We couldn't even get one with us all in a photo masa raya. Kat zoo pun, kat zoo lah yek he he. Adam was restless time tu. Despite my calm appearance, I was sangat takut itu pony melompat ke, lari ke hapa. Tebby lak control hensem aje dengan si Parrot perched on his shoulder. Iman, setia memeluk kikkornya.

Uihhh... penat nampak? Macam le dia berjalan sendiri tadi. Walhalkan elok je lepak dalam stroller dia. Kasi can le ye Adam.

The trip menggembirakan kanak-kanak itu. Ummi sakit betis 2 hari. Maklumlah.. kurang bersenam. Kakak frust sebab tak jumpa peacock. Kami lalu dekat tempat burung tapi kami skip dari melihat-lihat. Sebenarnya saya pon takut jugek lalu kat situ, takut ternampak kel****. Do you know I'm scared shit of b**? Well, now you do.

Monday, November 03, 2008