Since ada yang sms, send pm tanyakan whether or not argan oil that I am using is effective, I'll story here. (Lagipun takde idea apa dah nak update blog ni)
Sebelum I go on, please be warned. I am not at all a head-turner. I don't naturally have flawless, super smooth, silk-like skin. I have oily facial skin but dry body skin. I have a bit of open pores (hence kulit berminyak), parut jerawat, uneven skin tone and since I am not young anymore, I have fine lines. I also have occasional breakouts especially at that time of the month.
Menjawab soalan. It is effective to certain extend. I am using it for only a lil more than a week so I don't have much and I don't expect much. Furthermore I am not using pure argan oil. I am using Kiehl's Superbly Restorative Dry Argan Oil. As opposed to Pure Oil Series (which claims 100% argan oil, korang gugel lah, ramai orang jual online, rata-rata RM75 for 15ml), Kiehl's is a mixture of apricot oil, argan oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, olive oil, eucalyptus oil.. among others. As the name implies, it is a dry oil, means it absorbs fast in your skin, leaving no oily feeling or oil residue. I am religiously using it everyday for my face and body and every other day for my hair. The immediate after feeling is oh-so-good. I'll tell again of other effects (if any!) after 3 months okay.
Oh ya, Kiehl's is a fairly-traded argan oil.
Argan oil is actually from Morocco. Moroccan have been using it in their hammam (ala, tempat mandi tu). Ingat tak pernah keluar kat suratkhabar pasal mamat yang kawin dengan minah Morocco tu? Dia kata Moroccan women kulit memang super smooth pasal guna this argan oil. Well, maybe kalau dari kecik memang akan super smooth la. Cam ai ni, penderita stretch-mark 1st degree, kulit kering etc, lambat sikit la kot. This oil is also edible. Boleh cicah dengan roti. But then, kalau Pure Oil Series menjual 15ml for RM75, sanggup korang nak cicah roti bagai??

So what happened to me after a week? Firstly my body skin sudah tidak kering lagi. Dulu kalau kena kuku, haruslah ada garisan putih. Now no more. Facial skin moist (I still pakai face cream ada sunscreen tho). Parut still ada, open pores still there, skin tone still uneven. Takpe, istiqomah. Istiqomah. Apa lagi?? Oh ya.. rambut. Smoother, much less flyaways, senang nak sikat and less hair-loss (I also use tea-bag recipe for hair-loss so can't say if it's just argan nyer effect).
Conclusion. I loikeee. Suka sangat. I bought Kiehls RM110 for 125ml. Relatively cheaper. That's why I don't hesitate to dab on my body, rambut, campur dalam body scrub (I buat homemade sekarang, jimat duit babe) Kalau ada bajet, nak beli yang Pure Oil Series jugak. Just for my face.
So jom kawan-kawan, membelai muka dan badan untuk diri sendiri, untuk suami tercinta. Semakin berumur tak bermakna kita boleh take for granted aje apa yang berlaku kepada kita kan. Ala, kalau suami tak komen apa-apa kita tak menjaga diri, it doesn't mean dia okay. Kalau dia tak komen apa-apa kalau kita makin cun, it doesn't mean dia tak suka. Always try to read between the lines. As for me, lagi 3 tahun ai akan berumur 40. Aging is unevitable but I want to go thru the process gracefully.
So jom kawan-kawan, membelai muka dan badan untuk diri sendiri, untuk suami tercinta. Semakin berumur tak bermakna kita boleh take for granted aje apa yang berlaku kepada kita kan. Ala, kalau suami tak komen apa-apa kita tak menjaga diri, it doesn't mean dia okay. Kalau dia tak komen apa-apa kalau kita makin cun, it doesn't mean dia tak suka. Always try to read between the lines. As for me, lagi 3 tahun ai akan berumur 40. Aging is unevitable but I want to go thru the process gracefully.
Okay, ada soalan lagi?
ps - having said that, sila amalkan diet yang seimbang okay. Air cukup 2-3l sehari, ambik supplement dan bersenam. Takat tempek macam-macam, tak jadi okay.
ingat nak cuba la.. agak2 leh prevent stretchmark tak? perut dah rasa2 gatal nih.. tp siki2 je.. and kulit mmg terasa kering..
thanks for the tips kak :)
ooh.. nak cuba jugak.. especially tang muke berminyak nih.. btw kat mane akak beli ? online ade tak ? hehehe..
kak, menarik gak ni..skang ni ramai org promote serum plak dlm rm80...penah dgr? ni pakai shurah saje pencuci muka..krim tarak
erni ~ sila sila. if you gugel kan, stretch mark is a life-sentence. once you have it, it's forever. to lessen it, yes. to erase it 100%, nope. so, prevention is much better. and jangan garuuuuu!!! JANGAN!!!
smah ~ akak beli kat kiehl's midvalley. ala, ajak le zarid putar stereng jap. kalau yang pure oil series tu ramai org jual online. kl beli 10 botol, bleh dapat rm52 sebotol. pakai sikit je tau. just 1-2 drops dah cukup.
farra ~ kulit takde masalah takpe. ada kwn akak just basuh muka guna air suam and pakai bedak baby. kulit still flawless. jeles ai. serum ni tak pernah dengar pulak. boleh share sikit gambar?
k ti: uh..saya juga pengguna kiehl serum. sgt best. sgt suggest org beli. wah promote lg..btw, i'm not getting any commission pon k!.
k nini: ye, jgn garu perut kak. nnt jd mcm perut sy! mau pengsan nk tgk :D
smah: bess! tp yg k.ti pki ni kite tak penah try. klu mau pegi, roger saje. tapi lps launch nova autopay!
farra: serum ni basically mcm nk repair face cell la lebey kuang. kire cam lps cuci bagai tu, pkila serum. ade org kate muke i flawless lps pki serum. uhuks. tak tau le btoi ke idak sbb en abe dok pule menegur.
zarid!! ni yg nak gak serum ni eh..mmg hubby tade nak puji hape..kite dh amik collagen die kata tade apa2 baru guna 3 dys la eheh
zarid ~ where have you been? sonyapppp jer.
farra ~ cik abe menegur bilamana jerawat berleluasa, perut tak kempes, kulit makin kusam etc. takpe, jaga aje diri elok2 spy dia tak komplen.
Btol ke k.tie ada jerawat? Cam x caye jer
Ok kak, saya n zarid discuss kita patut buat grup jaga kecantikan hihi so produk apa bagus bole share2 ..
Sy dh beli yogurt ni nk wat homemade mask hihi
Rasa nk beli gak yg zarid guna..mmg kulit die glowing la baru jumpa sabtu lps hehe
farra ~ 9 bulan masa yang lama.. org pun buleh beranak sekali ha ha. iya, jerawat menyerang. parut pulak tu. mencik. akak pun tergedik nak membeli yg zarid pakai tu tapi apakan daya, duit belanja diri dah tinggal rm20 ajer ha ha
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