Lemme just pen this down before I futher forget.
You see, we've just became the patrons of HUKM. Loyal ones too! It began with Iman few months back. So far he has 4 files in HUKM Cheras, 1 for consultation with Child Psychiatrist, 1 for Jabatan Oftalmology and another 2 for his therapy sessions (Occupational and Speech). Last month he opened another file in Jabatan Optometri HUKM in Jalan Raja Muda Aziz (pasni ai letak JRMA okay, panjang amat nak tulis) (near Kg Baru). And earlier today Kakak followed suit. If I were to compile their files in various clinics in various states, I may have to do it in volumes!
Today we went to HUKM JRMA, second time for Iman and first for Kakak.
The first time we went there, it was 24th February 2011. Just Iman. Due to his conditions, we have to have him thoroughly checked. Ears and audio checked. And we were advised to check his eyes and vision as well. Furthermore, he's been complaining he can't see what's written on the whiteboard at school. The initial step was bringing him to Jabatan Oftalmology HUKM Cheras. Then we were referred to Jabatan Optometri HUKM JRMA. In Kakak's case, we just book an appointment right awat at HUKM JRMA.
Before I stori mori about today, let me just recap what happened the first time we were there, 24th February 2011. It was our first time there and I was (still am!!) not fimiliar the way around that area, Tebby took a day leave. We were a little lost and I gave them a call. Rupanya the gate was just a few metres away. You all tau le around KL ni, silap ambik simpang aje can cause you tersangkut jem berjam-jam lamanya. Tebby dropped me dekat entrance and he went to park the car. Oh ya, please bring your smallest car possible because likewise HUKM Cheras, this HUKM punya parking lot juga adalah kena rebut-rebut.
We spent almost 3 hours there! Tapi still not conclusive. We knew Iman kena pakai spek tapi tak dapat concluded necessary readings. Mula-mula tu dia okay. Pastu dah lama-lama (eh, tak lama mana pun he he) he got distracted and started experimenting with the alat-alat inside the room. He adjusted the chair himself, up and down, up and down. When lenses were put, he took them away and shoved them in any way he fancied inside that spek gajah tu (spek yang guna untuk check mata tu la). He occasionally complaint about how boring the visuals used were. He asked where the cafe was and if the food was good. Amazing, isn't he? For someone who just started talking at 5 yo! He sure is a chatterbox nowadays.
They did a thorough checking. I've been wearing specs for the past 15-17 years and have been checking my eyes in banyak kedai specs but some of the instruments used when they checked Iman, I haven't seen them. And those really added the excitement for Iman. Oh btw, since Iman is just 7, they put an eyedrop in his eyes. Something to do with his eyes's muscle. Padan le depa tanya tanya tahap kesihatan and the related history in details. Especially asthma and heart problem. Lepas letak ubat tu, the next day Iman ada simptom-simptom asthma attack. Dr in Klinik Kita confirmed that those could be the side-effects ubat tu. Ever wonder why kedai-kedai specs biasanya takmo ambik cases budak-budak? Well, this could be one of the reasons and risks they don't want to take.
Since Iman's checking was not conclusive, we have another appointment scheduled. Which, on that day, he was still experiencing coughing, runny nose and a bit of fever. Last-last kensel and I booked today, 14th March sebab kebetulan cuti sekolah, boleh bawak Kakak sekali.
So, now we continue dengan cerita hari ni pulak ye.
Hari ni En Suami tak boleh cuti. Eh, cuti sekolah pun gigih lagi nak bermeeting bagai? Kenot complaint maa. For the past 8-9 months, dia sorang-sorang je gigih menyara hidup kami 5 beranak. Siap dengan Bibik lagi tu. Tima kasih Yang. Lagipun dah memang cuti panjang nak uruskan anak-anak, ambikkkkkk.. uruskan le sepuas-puasnya he he.
Eh side track. Back to cerita hari ni. Hari ni a little after 7 dah bergerak dari rumah. Dah syak dah jalan akan agak selesa sebab cuti sekolah. Kalo idak, haruslah jam 6.45 dah kluar mengadap jem kan. Sampai tol batu 9 best giler. Boleh drive 90km/j. I took MRR2, pon selesa. Takde masa kereta berenti statik. Pastu ambik Jalan Ampang. Ni kenalah ada statik pasal ada traffic light kan. Pastu belok kanan menghala ke Bulatan Pahang. Jalan terus sampai jumpa traffic light memula, masuk kiri. Tempat yang dituju adalah pagar kedua. Masuk dan silalah berinteraksi dengan Pak Guard kat situ and pastu cariklah tempat parking kereta. Ai bawak si kecik aje, senang nak park. Eh, macam le reti bawak keta besar ha ha.
Sampai tu jam 8.15am. Walopun traffic agak clear, sejam jugaklah nak sampai sana. Bayangkan makcik dengan spek tebal bawak ViVa sambil tercangak-cangak cuba nak ingat simpang kat mana. Bayangkan makcik yang drive dengan keadaan tak relax sebab hampir-hampir macam nak peluk stereng aje ha ha. Anyway, masih buleh park keta dengan selesa. Masih ada dalam 10 empty lots so boleh lah ngengada nak park masuk buntut dulu. Pastu bawak anak-anak pi makan kat cafe dulu. Food, okaylah. Tak banyak pilihan tapi yang anak-anak suka makan ada, so on je lah kan. Tengah mengadap tu, Iman tetiba muntah atas meja. Alamak. Kenalah ai mencuci meja kat cafe pulak. Sebab sebok bersihkan meja, dah terlewat for appointment. Patutnya jam 8.30. Ni jam 8.40 masih gigih mengelap meja. Teruslah dapat reminder call. Bagus jugak depa ni kan. A day before appointment pun depa hantar SMS reminder.
Hari ni cam havoc sikit pasal both Kakak dengan Iman nak check mata and I couldn't be at two places at the same time kan. Memula ensure Kakak dah comfortable and I have given all the details they wanted. This time a big NO-NO to eye drop. Kakak pun ada history asthma and I don't want her to get the attack again. Then kena attend to Iman.g at This time yang check dia orang lain, fomfuan. Iman ni pulak, kalau fomfuan dia memang cooperate lebih sikit :D. Dalam a little more than an hour dan conclude his reading. Right eye 1.25, left 1.75. Astig both eyes 3.00, which is high. Astig ni in layman term, we call it 'silau'. From my pemahaman tadi, it is due to keadaan lengkungan mata yang tak sama. Supposedly lengkungan mata (tak ingat bahagian mana) melintang sama dengan lengkungan mata secara menegak. Bila astig tinggi, difference between the two is high. Bila tengok something, they don't see it as one whole thing. Maybe nampak atas aje or bawah aje, or kanan aje or kiri aje. Hence the term 'silau'. Bayangkan kita tengok TV pastu ada silau matahari, kan tak nampak sebahagian TV tu kan. Anyway, Opto kata mungkin masa kecik budak-budak suka gosok-gosok mata secara keterlaluan, tu yang shape mata jadi gitu. Or budak kuat nangis, sapu-sapu air mata kuat-kuat or yang allergik debu, mata gatal.
As for Kakak pulak, I owe her big time. I am so sorry Kakak. The Opto said our eyes stop growing at the age of 8 (approximately) so at 10 (Kakak is 10 this year), her eyes will give minimal respond to whatever stimulants (specs, eye therapy). Macam Iman, he's 7 so there's still time. She has first complaints tak nampak when she's 8 or 9 camtu. All I did was mintak cikgu letakkan dia kat depan. Then I went to kedai specs untuk check mata dia, semua refused and mintak pegi ke hospital, which I have been procrastinating, until today. Yes, I do feel bad about it. And now there's nothing much we can do about it. But whatever left that can be done, will be done. That Ummi janji to Kakak.
Ai forgot to ask for the latest reading tadi. But initially I was informed hers were 4.00+ for both right and left eyes and he astig is even more higher than Iman! Itu 4.00 is my reading at 35yo! While waiting untuk buat specs, we now have to do therapy (Ummi lepas ni boleh ambik kursus jadi therapist) for her eyes. Cover one eye, use the other to do activities like reading, writing, drawing, coloring for an hour. Then alternate with the other eye, also for an hour. Do just a cycle a day.
Since tadi both Kakak dengan Iman were there, and both have high astig, they cross-checked my kids' files and concluded that Adam should also undergo eye/vision checking when he's older but no more than 5yo.
Since tadi En Suami a.k.a En Banker was not with us, makanya specs tak buat lagi. Khamis ni we'll go again untuk buat specs pulak. Welcome to the club kids! Now Abah has 2 more persons to nag.. letak spek elok2, jangan main sental je lense tu, jangan tido pakai spek. Ha, sapa tido pakai spek? Maknya lerr.
I'd like to share some points about this whole 'mata-xperience'..
1) Don't hesitate to bring your child if diorang komplen tak nampak, pastu kalau balik sekolah asik pening kepala for no reasons. No harm to just check. At HUKM JRMA, untuk check, adalah free aje okay. Remember that our eyes grow sampai umur kita 8 tahun ajer (ni I quote opto okay)
2) Be mindful that in HUKM JRMA, checking akan dibuat oleh student med kita. Ada supervisor diorang nevertheless. Like Kakak's case tadi, since rabun dia agak teruk, supervisor took over. And be mindful HUKM is a government hospital. Bagi yang rasa-rasa jatuh standard or rasa-rasa tak tasty langsung government hospital ni, silalah ke hospital swasta okay.
3) Contrary to the popular belief, the waiting time is so short. In fact masa I called up the first time, I was told to come the very next day.
4) The checking will be a thorough one so it takes time. Do bring toys, snacks, water to occupy your kids. And for you, bawak le buku cerita and for the net-savvy, selamat ber-fb while waiting.
5) To ensure kesihatan mata, do eats loads of vege and fruits. Take vitamin A if you must but through diet lagi bagus. Practise eye-hygiene i.e. tengok TV dengan jarak yang betul, baca buku with enough light, don't tenyeh2 mata.
I don't know if we can get cheaper frames/lenses there in HUKM JRMA (ada kedai specs siap kat dalam tu) since budak2 ni tak buat specs lagik. Nanti come Thursday, we'll know. Even so, I plan to also have my eyes checked there.
So peeps, take care of your eyes okay.