I remember the day you were born, abah menangis kat labor room. Your birth was very dramatic. A very painful one among the three. You had your umbilical cord strangling you three times and you were in OP position. They had to have you vacuumed out to the world.
I also remember the year before, we were really trying for you. I took clomid and bromociptine. The supposedly 'fun and happy' process turned into somewhat 'chores' in manner *blush*. You were conceived on the second cycle. I was over the moon! Allah answered our prayer.
Now, despite all the difficulties in raising you, likewise your other siblings, you have your own special place in my heart. Thank you son, for all the experiences you made me went through along with you. You helped me to realize the meaning of redha and the boundless love between a mother and a child. You, made me become a better person than I used to be.
Happy 5th Birthday Iman.
It's a supreme combiner u olss!
Entry on Iman's 2nd birthday here.
His 3rd here. We did not celebrate his 3rd's, I was so busy vomitting that time he he.
And his 4th here.
* Likewise previous years and likewise his siblings, we bought him cakes to be shared with his kindy frens. He decided to celebrate at home last night (eve of this birthday) nevertheless. So, candles were blown, cake cut, happy birthday song sung and followed by silly teka-teki session led by Kakak. We had fun albeit the low key.
** Today he refused to go to kindy. We sent the cakes nevertheless, celebration amongst his frens, sans the birthday boy.
Name - Muhammad Iman Bin Ismadi
Place of Birth - Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital
Time & DOB - 1.37p.m. 3 November 2004
Weight - 3.3kg
O&G - Tan Sri Datuk Dr Jemilah Mahmood
Cord was cut by Tebby, thanks Dr Jemilah for kindly letting the father do it.
kak, brape rm benda alah devastator tuh? giler besar hehe.
* si adam tido buai lg ekkk?? tetiba ade background gambar org ayun buai hihi
opps lupe...hepi besday muhammad iman! Moga membesar dgn sihat slalu...esok masuk school skali ngan idlan :)
hepi birthday Iman
eppy besday Iman..
semoga membesar menjadi anak yg soleh.. dan ceria selalu!
yati ~ a ah. adam mmg tdo berbuai. tp malam tdo atas tilam. org tu mmg suka buaikan adam :)
k ina ~ tk, on behalf of Iman
matasipit ~ insyaAllah. itulah doa akak. dan.. dia memang ceria. sekali dia ketawa, boleh terbangun adam tengah tdo
hepi besday iman...
ps: gayanya mengingatkn saya pd anak lelaki saya, muhammad..yg keletahnya jugak sungguh mencabar kesabaran..tapi saya selalu ingat apa yg akak tulis~utk belajar menyayangi kekurangan mereka, kerana kalau tak kita yg menyayangi mereka, siapa lagi??
oren ~ iya betul. itu namanya kasih sayang tanpa sempadan, tak ada syarat.
hepy besday iman..sedapnyer tgk kek tuhhhh
farra ~ moist choc cake from SR. last menet, sib baik ada 2 ketul available.
Happy bday Iman ... semoga membesar menjadi anak yg soleh dan berbakti kpd kedua ibubapa. I believe our son will grow normal
happy 5th bday, dear iman :)
bestnye destator tu, pinjam kat ahmad nani kejap, buleh? hehe.
sis ME ~ itulah harapan saya.dia akan mula tahun satu 2011 nanti. dari la ni saya dah mula risau..
little dewa ~ haihhh... tu pun dok mintak hak optimus pulok, nak lawan dgn devastator. semalam angkat tangan tunjuk 5 jari, katanya nak transformers baru banyak tu. satu2 dia tunjuk jari... iman punya, iman punya, iman punya... meleleh le air liur adam. pelawa pon tidakkkkk..
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