I tried Roti Paratha Kentang which I tiru from UMMI ZAIHADI's sweethome blog. She's a great cook. I am nowhere near. To get to know my rave and rant about that Roti Paratha, go to my recipe blog. For lunch I did Gulai Ikan from the book Spicy Padang Cooking. Tebby said it resembles the one he had in Palembang and suggested that we use fish head next time around. My major failure was with the asam keping. I left it for too long and it turned too sourish. Letih acik edjas balik rasa dengan ramuan.
The challenge did not lie in cooking these actually. Bahan-bahan senang. Nak masak pun tak renyah. What made it took longer time was because I had 3 helpers who helped me in a way and helped themselves in so many other ways. Bibik Ros pegi outing sama kawan-kawan okay. Acik kentung kentang kat dapur sama dengan 3 sous-chef okay. Abahnya baca suratkhabar kat depan. Between tengok abah baca suratkhabar dengan mengacau Ummi masak kat dapur, definately the latter one is more appealing kan.
assistant 1
such a darling, isn't she?
assistant 2
yang sokmo bizi
time tu la nak air milo
pastu nak buat sendiri
habis seme bersememeh isk assistant 3
dah siap sedia dengan mangkuk!
Yang ni pulak Chicken Wing Ala China. Tebby's favourite. Sampai merajuk-rajuk saya tak buat aritu. Eloklah merajuk sebab tak dapat makan masakan kita dari ...... merajuk kalau kita masak!
aku respek ler ko mmg rajin memasak..
mek ~ aku rajinnn ooo. kalau masa aku nak rajin laaaa
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