We went to Port Dickson last week, right before people swarmed in sempena cuti CNY. From 31st Jan - 2nd Feb. First day tu cuaca tak berapa cantik, tho it wasn't raining, agak mendung (mendung tak beerti hujann, yakinlah itu satu cobaan.. la la la). Another 2 days cuaca sangat baik. In fact ada masanya cam terlalu panas. Kalau hujan kena stay indoor kan. Tapi kalau panas still boleh keluar mandi-manda or melawat-lawat.
I booked a Junior Suite at Corus Paradise, which I thought would be perfect for us. Ground floor, facing the lagoon. Don't be fooled by the lagoon in the website. It is not as blue green as it seems. Murky that it even crossed my mind dalam tu got buaya. I tried to get a 2-rooms-apartment tapi dah last-last minute, wherelah got anymore available kan. Except those yang ratenya more than RM500 semalaman. Plus I need apartment yang ada buffet breakfast. And no homestay please sebab kadang-kadang saya nak orang kemaskan katil dan bilik. Kalau homestay kena buat sendiri kan? Eksyen eh? Kena berjimat since there's quite a dent after budak-budak masuk sekolah plus baru ambik maid. But not willing to forgo the convenience and comfort. Howlah?
Once I got in the room (103), I was suprised that how small it was. Well, kalau nak cramp together, bolehlah but to pegi cuti-cuti is to santai-santai kan. Dalam gambar kan main lagi cam besarnya. It has a seperated living area but TV only got dalam bilik. They should've put another one in the living I think. Yang besar dan selesa is bilik air but berapa lama sangat spend masa dalam bilik air kan? Before my kids ruin the bed or use the sabun or minum air dalam fridge, I requested for connecting rooms. Bilik sebelah, 104 is connected to room 105. So we took them. 104 has a king bed and 105 has 2 queen beds. Perfect for the 6 of us. Me and Tebby and Adam would sleep in 104 while Iman and Kakak would sleep with Bibik in 105. Last-last Adam and Iman slept with me and Tebby in 104 (kacau daun betul..) and Kakak shared a bed with Bibik. The lodging cost sudahnya more than kalau we ols pegi kat that RM500-semalaman room.
Anyway, the tap water, even after boiling it, rasanya sangat tak sedap. Macam sesuatu. Do bring your own air minum. Setakat 2 botol kecik dalam fridge tu, sorang pun tak cukup kan.
Oh ya, I got sarcastic with one of the staffs barely 1/2 hour being day. Balcony was dirty, muddy with sand and even cigarette butts. A lady came and told us, memanglah kotor sebab baru lepas hujan. With an irritated face. I went like ' oh, i didn't know it rains puntung rokok over here'. She went and cleaned the balcony quietly. Maybe she cursed me but I didn't know that. I should've also added 'sand' and 'mud' to the 'puntung rokok' in my first ever sarcastic ayat for the year.
Albeit being too small and ancient (sila tatap gambar, tempat itu nampak berusia kan?), the best part about our (rented) rooms were, they open directly to the beach and sea. Sangat sesuai for families with small kids. Pagi-pagi depa keluar main pasir depan tu, petang-petang makan-makan kat situ. And we watched them from the balcony. That, I like. And direct access to the swimming pool. That, the kids like. Bibik pun santai-santai depan tu sambil teringat kampung halaman (agaknya la). Plus, we can sidai our baju berenang kat balcony tu.
anak-anak yang kelaparan sedang makan kat bench, again tepi lagoon, depan bilik.
Adoiyai, Kak Mon ngantuk pulak. Sambung esok la yer. Pegi PD pun ada Part 1, Part 2 and ntah-ntah Part 3, kalau ke oversea alamatnya boleh tulis buku barang 2,3 volume kot he he.
enjoy la baca entry u kak mon... buat sampai part 18 pon tak apa, nanti i dtg baca :-)
Bestnya cuti santai
Bestnye cutii
Even to PD
Tulis jgn x tulisss
Ummi, alamak tu yg x best nyer kan kalau bilik yg kita booked tak smpai our expetaction, luckily, it didn't ruined your holiday kan... x sabar nak tunggu part 2, part 3 etc...
mr ~ terima kasih atas sokongan anda he he.
aida ~ ala.. pd aje. awak sampai ke spain sinun, jeles akak taw. mana2 pun ok, asal happy kan.
farra ~ pd tpt plg ideal bg cuti pendek2 warga KL. tak dekat, tak jauh. just nice.
ahnie ~ plg nak marah sbb tak bersih. dah tau guest nak check in kan, kasi lah polish kilat2 sikit he he. tp tu lah, the best part sbb boleh main2 kat depan tu.
Kak Tie, lupa nak tanya, pencarian buku tere-liye berjaya ke? Nanti saya email listing buku saya kat akak untuk akak pilih.
tak penah duk corus nih...selalu duk mayangsari jek..buleh trylah lepas nih...
menarik pasal yg groundfloor tuh direct buleh main pasir n pool...mmg sesueiii laa utk kanak2x ribena nih...hehehe
kitaorg cny berkampung dan berkenduri...penattnyaaaaaa...mmg rasa nak gi duk hotel weken nih tau..
buleh skip masak..basuh kain..kemas2x...hehehehe
betulla.. bilik kat corus mmg kecik sgt.. kadang2 ventilator dlm toilet tu cam tak function, kalu melabur satu bilik bley bau tau! yucks!
pastu ada bilik2 yg siling berlumut.. nak bernafas pun tersekat2 takut terhidu spores.. hahahahaha!
hanis ~ but then again, be warned yng bilik kat bawah tu walopun suite, adalah kecik aje :P mayangsari looks nice (in web). maybe next time blh try situ. kena cari apartment dah akak ni. ambik connecting rooms mmg tak cost effective..
wawi ~ hasben akak siap ckp, this place smells ancient LOL. pasal bilik air tu, i have no complaint abt ventilator tp lantainya was done in such a way air bertakung. which ai sgt tak suka!!
aini ~ ur fren kata boleh tolong. alhamdulillahhh.. btw email me aa.rozilawati at gmail dot com ya.
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