Check-up saya 9 Julai lepas was the 3rd one with Dr Ashar. It was just 2 weeks after my 2nd. Remember I bled a bit last 2 weeks and from the sonogram, the sac was not developing from the week before, where size is concerned? (Read my worries here).
It was the first time I went alone. Dah le detik-detik penentuan nih, kena pegi sorang pulak,... isk.
We had a little chat before doing the sonogram. How I was doing. Well, I was too occupied to be sick, I told him. With 3 kids, no maid, busy husband, neverending dirty laundry. Maybe he was just trying to make things easy for me. The moment of truth came. The sac was bigger than it was 2 weeks before. The baby, my baby, our baby, was there in the corner. I saw something blinking. The heart! It was beating. Dr. Ashar put on the speaker and there I was, hearing its heartbeat. Dup dup dup dup. Enough to give me assurance that, if everthing goes well, I'll hold him/her in my arms next year.
I am to continue with my 5mg folic acid once daily and 10mg duphaston twice daily and to see him in a month time. By then I'll be 12 weeks already.
Week - 8w2d
Baby size - 6w3d
Weight - 49kg
hihikk.. baru brape minggu perut dah kembong nih.. yahahhaha..
Alhamdulillah.. & take care.
sikulat ~ perut asal aje dah macam 2 bulan ha ha ha
me ~ alhamdulillah.. 2 minggu penantian menyeksakan..
kak mon.. alahai.. tecitnya akak ni.. walo pon perut dh ke depan.. ingatkan gambo si kakak td.. hehehe..
alhamdulillah - erk pregnant but merely 49 nak bagi berat den ni
take care sis!
alhamdulillah, semoga semakin kuat for the whole pregnancy :) take care
terlupa nak tanya akak tadi masa jumpa, yelah, was rushing. Alhamdulillah, all is well. tapi kenapa ringan je kak tie ni? hikhik. saya tak preggy pun 55 :p
alhamdulillah....lega baca entry take care ye kak ti
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