Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Menge-TAR Jalan..

The road leading to Jalan Masjid India, Jalan TAR and their surrounding area. It's been years since I last went there. Last time pegi sana sebab pegi Jakel beli kain untuk baju raya 3 years back. Then Wisma Yakin beli ready made baju melayu for the boys.This year went there again, same purpose, cari kain for baju raya and then went to Wisma Yakin surveying harga tempahan baju melayu. Still very much the same there. Same smell. Same crowd.

Just for the record:-
KAS - Tebby RM100, Iman RM100, Adam RM80
BAK - Tebby RM120, Iman RM80, Adam RM80
Both totaled up to the same figure :D Haven't send the fabric yet. The boys will have to tag along to have them measured.

After Jakel, pegi isi perut kat Insaf, makan nasi beriyani. Tambah daging masala, tambah itu sikit, tambah ini sikit. Kcinggg!! But it was worth all the money paid :D

Then I heret-ed en.Tebby pegi Sogo. Lepas menjelajah beberapa tingkat, kami balik dengan sepeket anggur dan buah plum :D :D Itulah yang terjadi kalau berjalan2 sengan suami. Straight to the point. Unless it's a comic arcade, siap le dia jelajah from end to end. Anyway, thanks Yang for sponsoring yarddssss of kain untuk baju raya :D

Selingan. While I spent my vitamin-B at Habib, en.Tebby went to mekap mekap his car. New camera! Sangat clear, siap ada kaler cam traffic light lagi :D The previous camera, suka suki dia aje nak keluar gambar ke idak.

1 comment:

pB said...

Biasanya lepas keluar dari Insaf , memang akan INSAFFFFFFFFF