Project PJ bottom for Adam. Adam is 2 1/2 years now. He's 16kg and wide and quite plump but not quite tall. Bila beli PJ set, baju muat, seluar over panjang. Ended up dia melalak marahkan kaki seluar meleret-leret. So now, we keep the PJ bottoms that come together with the top (until he grows taller) and while waiting, I sew him replacement bottoms. Pasni tayah beli PJ set dah, Ummi jahitkan seluar, bajunya pulak kita beli kat pasar malam. Hebat woo, semua superhero ada. He likes. Kalo pakai, he'd be pointing endlessly to the gambar superhero ayenmen (ironmen), gogoranges (power rangers) and the ultimate ultraman. Those are humbly sold at 3pcs-for-RM11. One piece is RM4. I loike.
Proses pemotongan kain. Senang aje, cuma ada satu bahagian yang curve, lain2 potong lurus saja. Plus, sebab budak kecik punya, I did this kat atas meja study (or meja conteng, habis kena conteng dek anakanda2 tercinta)
The trio. Dark blue. Green. Lite blue. Memula buat yang hijau tu, nampak tak cam pendek sikit kan. Adam pakai cam senteng a bit, hence the other 2 tu ai lebihkan the length by 1 inch.
Tidak, tempahan tidak dibuka :D (as if... *eyes roll*)
comel kain2 ittew.. idea menarik utk belajar menjahit nih.. buat PJ kan kan?
kain2 itu dibeli dikedai kain tewah saja. cotton, senang nak gunting, senang nak jahit. buat pj bottom pon simple aje. 2 keping kain, 4 bahagian nak jahit. siapp.
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