Today, he turns 6 months-old too.
Happy 6 months-old Adam.
Alhamdulillah, I am still breastfeeding Adam. Glad that I passed the first target albeit not 100%. But still,.. this is something I am proud of. Adam has started solid in his 5th month. So far he does not show any allergic reaction to all kinds of food I've introduced to him. Not much yet. The current list consists of plain rice, carrots, apples, dates and tomatoes. He always.. always finishes his meals. They say, an apple doesn't fall far from the tree, kan.
He caught minor eye-infection recently. I took 2 days off from the office. During the 2 days, he finally managed to 'nyulur' foward a bit after starting to roll over in his 3rd month. Woww.. that was quite sometime kan. With his newly acquired skill, last night he grabbed Iman's bowl of milk (yesss people.. Iman drinks plain milk from a bowl.. too much Tom and Jerry). I was performing my Maghrib. When I was done, Adam was already swimming in it. Who says being parent is easy kan. When he wants to be picked up, he'd put his little hands in mine.
He babbles a lot! Says maaamaaaa, babaaaabaaaa. He also menyembur-nyembur lately. Kinda cute when he does that. (I'm his mother, of course I'd think that way).
ah tahniah. selamat hari lahir ke 6 bulan. sihat nampaknya dia. :)
abi ~ terima kasih. dia sangat periang dan ceria. sentiasa tersenyum
Sembur-sembur gatal gusi kot... Happy 6 months Adam!
akuni ~ time dia nyembur masa makan tu yang tak tahan.. abis tempias nasi kat orang
moga sihat slalu adam!
big clap untuk BF.. teruskan..
saya alhamdullillah melepasi dua tahun exclusively bf
comelnyaaaa..elok plak dia duduk kat dlm tu ek?practical x beli benda tu(ape nama tuh, lupa dah)..?
yati ~ kan mak dia comel jugak he he.
iv ~ i have a long way to go. lagi 1 1/2 tahun. congrats to you.
mamalisa ~ namanya bumbo seat. Adam dok situ time makan je. time lain dia nak nerap sambil berpusing2.
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