Sabar Adam, kena tunggu at least you're 4 months old.
Since orang tak bagi dia makan,
dikunyahnya plastik tu cukup-cukup.
We went to APSH with the kids. Adam was for 2nd dose of his 6-in-1 jab. He only cried seconds after the procedure ended. Delayed-telecast lah pulak mamat tu. Alhamdulillah this time around dia tak demam and tak fussy, unlike after his 1st dose dulu tu.
Adam's latest vital statistics: -
Weight -> 7.47kg (additional 1570gms from last month, 3730gms from birth)
Height -> 60cm (additional 2cms from last month, 7cms from birth)
Head Circumference -> 40cm (additional 2cms from last month, 5cms from birth)
Tu dia, khasiat susu ibu. Ummi pun tak tau Adam simpan 'berat' tu kat mana. Badan tak berketul-ketul pun. Berat tulang? Literally okaylah. Jangan berat tulang ikut peribahasa tu sudahlah. Overall he's healthly. Just a bit of coughing. Hey, breastfed babies do get sick okay.
As for Iman, he's referred to a child phsychiatrist. Dr Rose Peng. She'll be in APSH every Wednesday. The rest of the weekdays, she'll be in her clinic near South City Plaza. Since that plaza is much nearer to our home and she has no problems about accessing Iman's file in APSH, we opt for her clinic nearby. Ni baru nak set appointment. His paed advised us to be prepared for things to come. We were told of a few things but I'll just keep them secret until Iman undergoes the assessment first. Maybe I'll quit work eventually. Maybe.
While waiting for our turn for medications (can you believe it, Iman's ubat selsema, ubat batuk and antibiotik fetched almost one hundred ringgit? tu tak masuk consultation lagi tu), we went to calculate our BMIs. APSH has this weighing and BMI scale at the waiting area. I am a healthy 45kg, 150cm mother. Tebby was having hard time accepting his facts hu hu. I'm not gonna tell how much he weights. Neither am I gonna reveal his BMI and what category he falls into. But he needs to lose like 22kg, 2kg lesser than Kakak's weight.
Of course bf baby will sick...but tersangat jarang n baby bf i'allah ade daya tahan lg kuat....
Ada jugak adik kecik ni jadik penyejuk hati kan...
Harap adik ni lebih sihat dari abang dia... begitulah Allah menguji kita kan, setiap seorang tu pelbagai ragamnya...
nero ~ imagine kalau dia tak bf, sure lagi teruk kot.
akuni ~ insyaAllah. Adam ni pun nampak-nampaknya lebih tenang dari Iman.
Hehehehe...oklah adam baru 3 bulan...anak saya si Naufal tu dah 1tahun 8 bulan...rambutnya lebih kurang adam je..;)
Moga Allah memberi lebih banyak kemudahan untuk Iman punya rawatan...oklah tu dah jumpa klinik yng dekat dgn rumah.
dah tgk
That will give you some ideas
tyha ~ abah dia kata, takpelah, budak lelaki. botak pun comey :P
klinik kat rumah tu just buat assessment aje. theraphy kena cari kat tpt lain.
ummi ~ dah. checked out quite a lot of videos. well, Iman does has red flags. ada a few yang kena dengan dia. tak lama lagi nak bwk dia pi assessment to ensure apa masalah dia ni. my husband kata, kalau Iman mmg just jenis lewat bercakap it's ok. tapi he doesn't want to take chances.
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