I am still pregnant! Last week, I was relieved I gained just a mere 1kg within 2 weeks. And to satisfy my ever-growing nafsu makan (yang konon-kononnya mengidam), I've been eating and eating. Nasi Dagang, a box of donuts, KFC, Nasi Ayam. Semalam even buat Nasi Minyak with its gulai. I've stocked the fridge with ikan, ayam and whatnots kot-kot terbersalin nanti, my parents won't have problems nak makan. Deep down inside, I wish still sempat makan nasi putih with fried ikan kembong, masak lemak kobis and sambal belacan. Btw, baru balik dari check-up sebenarnya. I gained 2kg within just a week. Adam is, clinically 4.04kg. Dr Ashar said he maybe 3.4kg - 3.5kg only based on his 'professional calculation'. So far, I am on normal delivery and on waiting. Kalau by next Friday tak bersalin lagi, we'll wait another 5-7 days.
Did I tell you all that Kakak is hooked on National Geographic? From a forum I joined, I got to know there's National Geographic Kid. I googled for info but it seems I can't find it here. Does anyone has any idea how can I subscribe to this periodicals? From my observation, Kakak loves science subject. Perhaps sebab she got to draw, to color and do experiments. Last week she bugged us into buying mung-beans and cottons for her science project. The teacher's intention was good. But kan, kalau esok nak buat, jangan le baru hari ni nak kabo nak itu ini. Bagilah grace period lama sikit. Anyway, Tebby got the things she wanted. I refrained myself from helping her (read: doing it for her). I just observed. She did as instructed. She makes sure the cottons are always wet. Since I am on MC, she keeps on reminding me to make sure her projects gets enough sunshine while she's at school.
Went to MidValley on Saturday. Kekononnya ala-ala last trip before bersalin with the kids. Took the chance to go to Borders for some books. Kakak got herself 2. Iman scooped 2. I bought myself some books (mostly 3 for 2). And Tebby himself, 2. Terkujat makcik masa membayornya, lebih RM400 you! Tebby spent another RM200++ for his graphic-comic storybooks (he'll never grow up in that sense). I'm done with 'Jakarta Undercover' by Muammar Emka (ps - don't buy. tak best!) and now almost halfway thru 'For One More Day' by Mitch Albom. I am so touched, so to speak. Btw, I ordered online some Habiburrahman's novel which were not sold at Borders. Like Adam, they're expected to arrive anytime soon. My gratitutes to Limaunipis and her twin, Aini and also Elin, who in some way inspired me to read more. Tapi akak ala-ala slow lagi lah.. amatur le katakan.
Kakak had been practising sports for the past 2 weeks kat sekolah. When asked apa bahagian dia join, she oso didn't know. I'd expected she'd only be joining a march or something since she kept on telling us Kakak dah lari yang paling sangat laju tapi Kakak tak menang jugak. It's okay dear, as long as you've tried you best. Nevertheless, we bought her a pair of pink BBG sneakers last weekend. And a few pairs of track bottom to replace hers yang tercicir dalam stor masa salin baju kat sekolah. Sukan Perpaduan was held last weekend, Sunday 27th April 2008. Dia pegi dengan Tebby only. They came back at 10.30am. Aik.. cepatnya. And know what, 2 days after that, she excitedly announced that she got a medal. Rupanya anak Ummi menang 2nd place. Unfortunately there's not even a single photo. Apparently while Kakak was running with a bean bag on her head, the father was busy reading in the school canteen... And she also missed the prize-giving.
Mira pun, junjung pundi kacang gak..sama..dpt naib johan...hihihi..
oren ~ what a coincidence ek. hope you got to watch mira ambik medal kat atas pentas tho!
Kak Tie,
All the best in your impending delivery. Semoga semuanya selamat insyallah..
huhu bestnye gambo donut.. cakap pasal makan ni, sejak i join tempat baru ni.. memang keja we ols asyik maakaan jek.. heheh anyways, am happy there.. so far so good, insyallah.... balik pun takdela lambat sangat.. alhamdulillah.. rezeki anak anak kot..
mc ~ i'm happy for you dear. good boss, good colleague, kerja best, what more do we expect kan. and good food as well! thanks dear, this waiting game sure makes me getting anxious and more anxious each day.
Hehehehe...org lelakikan kak,kalau kita sangat pentingkan saat manis anak2.kalau boleh semua nak write down apa yang derang buat....;)Hem...tetiba ngidam nak makan lemak kobislah...hahahahaha
Donuttttttttttt sodappppp nyaaaaa...
Semoga selamat melahirkan...
tyha ~ at times as mother, kita tak perlu jot down pun sbb semuanya boleh ingat dalam kepala especially special moments like first step and first day in school kan.
ajzie ~ donut itu memang sedap! insyaAllah bila En Adam dah keluar, akan di blogkan di sini.
Yummy..i miss that BigApple donut. Dulu masa keje kat TheCurve rajin gak beli...kecur air liur teringat...
eh dah bersalin ke belum ni??
tu la..saya pun tertanya2 kak ummi ni dah bersalin ke belom...
-mama afif-
nero ~ mmg lazat, gebu dan lembut! nyam nyam
ummu auni ~ dah, 11 May (Mother's Day - yeayyy!!). nanti nak updet kat blog.
mama afif ~ pertanyaan dah terjawab. nantikan en Adam's debut in the blog ek.
Ayat pertama yang best tu....
Good luck to you!
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