Adam - just after birth
Special pose from Adam to his Ummi's blog readers
Alhamdulillah. Muhammad Adam selamat dilahirkan pada 11 May 2008 (Hari Ibu), pukul 3.22pagi. Berat badan 3.74kg (by far the biggest in my and Tebby's family), panjang 53cm dan ukurlilit kepala 35cm.
Kakak kata 'Ummi, adik ni comel lah. Macam kucing. Can I call him kitten?' No dear. Nama dia Muhammad Adam. 'Oh,.. Adam Farhan boleh?'. No dear, just Adam. Ummi dengan Abah suka nama pendek-pendek je. Macam Iman jugak. 'Kalau Muhammad Adam bin Farhan?'. No dear.. lepas bin atau binti kenalah nama Abah sebab Abah ni ayah. 'Oh, OK. Adam.'
I am 7kg lighter and, in fact at the weight I always wanted before this. So, I need not lose anymore weight. Just to tone my muscle. My appetite, however, remains. I had 4 slices of roti gardenia, 1 mug of steaming hot milo, a few packets of biskut kering. Had my mom not around, I might've dived into cakoi and donuts Tebby bought for the kids.
Enough about me.
You may skip the next. It'll be da** long and boring. I'm jotting this down because I need to keep this as remembrance and PLUS, this is my journal.
I was a day late. During my last appointment on 9th May, Dr Ashar instructed me to go and surrender myself on the 14th if by then still tak bersalin. We had nasi ayam on Saturday. I even had a few glasses (or mugs?) of cendol, rojak mamak and tah apa-apa lagi. I was already feeling uneasy but then again, I had that feelings for a few days already. Petang tu sebelum mandi, I took Iman for a walk dekat rumah-rumah yang baru siap nearby my house. And had dinner as usual. Chit chatted as usual.
I felt the urge to pee. When I got up, I felt a slight cramp. I sat on the toilet bowl and suddenly water gushed out. Ops... mana pulak datang air nih, rasanya aku belum ken**** pun. (my previous 2 kids was with darah). Relax.. relax.. panggil Tebby. Check colour air ketuban. It was greenish and I knew Adam dah poo-poo already. See, I never had my water broke other than on hospital bed. So meleleh-meleleh ke mana jua saya pegi. Naik atas, tukar baju. Salam mintak ampun with my parents. Masuk keta. Sampai A&E, masuk labour room. I really left my mark, so to speak.
Sampai APSH. Wheeled to labour room terus. Keta toksah cite lah, banjir dengan air ketuban. The 2 kain batik did not help at all. My baju was soaking wet. Selipar pun basah kuyup. So had the usual drill. Tukar into one pair of baju hospital yang seksi itu. Tagged. Dan masuk ubat buang air besar. And checked for dilation. I was 6cm. Tapi nurse couldn't feel his head. Dapat rasa bahu je. Adehlah.. menyenget jugak agaknya. Takpe, nanti bila contraction kuat, insyaAllah, he'll be pushed into the position.
Dr sampai so the 'real' procedure started. Since it was my 3rd time and I was alrealy 6cm, nurses did not do anything sebab takut dr tak sempat sambut nanti. I was put on IV to strengthen contraction. Tebby went down for admission. Tunggu masuk Ahad baru register, kalau tak nanti kena charge for Saturday walaupun just a few hours je. Ubat will take effect in 15 minutes. I was left to mind my business after they thought me how to use the etonox. Heavenly etonox..
Nurse datang lagi. Aikk.. tak sakit ke, tak dengar pun ambik gas. Sakit memang sakit tapi it was still bearable. Takmo give in awal-awal,.. nanti sampai hujung tak tahan sakit pulak. So, she increased the dosage.
Started mengkhayalkan diri dengan etonox. I saw the room rotating in weird shapes. Pusing ke kanan. Pusing ke kiri. That's why I said heavenly etonox. Jangan terlebih dosage yek. Sedut time sakit je.
I want pain killer! Cecepat Tebby panggil nurse. I learnt my lesson time Iman. Lambat mintak, tak sempat ambik. I was left with just etonox. This time dapat le pethidine (sp?). Sampai boleh terlelap-lelap. Kalau ambik epidural, tak tau lah apa jadi. Boleh sampai berdengkur kot? Tho I heard certain people takde effect pun bila ambik epidural. Oh ya, nurse increase kan lagi dosage IV to expedite labour process.
Nurse dan gerombolannya datang lagi. Stop etonox and was asked to try pushing. Tipulah kalau saya kata bersalin tak sakit kan. Cuma tahap2 sakit tu berbeza-beza. Kalau nak buat personal ranking, the worst was Iman. 2nd Kakak and Adam's was the shortest and less painful. Tho sebenarnya masa Adam dah hampir nak keluar, I begged them to cut me open he.. he.. Makcik penat. Dr Ashar resorted to KIWI vacuum. Ntah cemana rupanya, tu kena tanya Tebby. Dia yang tengok. I was too busy pushing. Part yang paling ngeri sekali, I felt Adam was halfway tapi contraction ended. Was asked to stop pushing and breath thru mouth only and there were activities down there. Then I felt him slipped out. The time was 3.22a.m.
Adam's birthtime. Tebby tak dapat potong his cord. It was an emergency. In fact masa they put him on my chest, he did not cry. Masa buat suction baru dia berbunyi. It pun slow aje, cam bunyi protest ala malu-malu kucing jek. He was white (note - white, not fair). They cleaned him, wrapped him, gave him to Tebby for Azan. And then he was rushed to incubator.
I'll tell in other entries InsyaAllah. At this point, I can only reveal he was put in NICU (neonatal ICU) for 2 days and then back to incubator and then put under warmer for another 2-3 days. I was admitted on 11th May and was discharged on 16th May.