Alhamdulillah, Fasa 3 Project 1 (Port Lepak Confinement) dah siap terlaksana. The room smells unmistakenably of IKEA at the moment. Nothing fancy, seme hak yang murah-murahan saja. After my 36th week check-up last Friday, went to IKEA kejap. Within just an hour semua dalam list dah selamat dalam troli. Tak banyak pon, just 3 bulky items, which were a bed frame, a tall book-rack and a dresser. In case you were wondering what the he** a book-rack is doing in this confinement thingy, the room also serves as storage for Kakak school items while waiting for our Project 2 (Library / Reading-cum-working Area) to take-off. Dalam En Tebby menyorong troli tu, sempat lagi si Mak Yong ni ngambik foot-stool and an apple corer. Ish ish.. foot stool tu hak yang buh dalam bilik air tu. For Kakak since she's having hard time looking at her teeth in the mirror after brushing. As for the apple corer tu, well.., I was looking for a thong (a kitchen thong okay) tapi takde so ambik apple corer as replacement. Boleh? Cam takde apa-apa kaitan pun kan.
Those things were delivered to our home petang Jumaat tu jugak. Kekonon cam tererlah, takmo upah diorang pasang. Nak pasang sendiri. Lagipun the room was still in some kind of mess so kena clearkan dulu kan. Takkan nak ajak mamat-mamat IKEA tu sama-sama ngemas bilik pulak kot kan.
The rest is told in these photos..
Those things were delivered to our home petang Jumaat tu jugak. Kekonon cam tererlah, takmo upah diorang pasang. Nak pasang sendiri. Lagipun the room was still in some kind of mess so kena clearkan dulu kan. Takkan nak ajak mamat-mamat IKEA tu sama-sama ngemas bilik pulak kot kan.
The rest is told in these photos..
We had planned to paint the room sebenarnya tapi tak sempat.
I drool for olive-green or light-coco.
Hasil keras tangan Kakak.
Memula nak rapatkan kat tingkap belakang. Pas pasang takleh
pusing so himpitkan ajek kat situ.
ada bahagian 'cork' yang mengadap ke depan? Silap pasang
but Tebby was too tired to redo the whole thing. Bolehlahh tuhh..
Salam kak...nampaknya semua dah ready untuk kehadiran si kecil ye.Cantiklah katil tu...cuma kalau saya yang jenis penakut ni ...ngeri nengok ada palang tinggi kat tepi tu...takot ponggong tersangkut masa nak turun katil..."wink"
tyha ~ rasa-rasanya semua dah cover, insyaAllah. mak dia je yang mentally tak berapa prepare nak bersalin.. takottt!!!
the irony is that, his (Adam) existence was never planned tapi preparation untuk dialah yang terpaling amat gempak sekali kalau nak bandingkan dengan kakak ngan abang dia.
amboi cantiknya lepas dah berkemas.. semua putih you, macam english home pulak. curtain pinjam tu pun berkenan ler nengok.. cantik2...
aida ~ selalunya I'd fall for black with straight cutting and design. trying so hard to run from that and voila.. white. katil tu ada yang putih tapi mahallah pulok so we settled for the black version.
overall result -> I loikkee
kak, katil tu cantik la, muat ke berduaan dengan en adam?
ikea tgh ada sales ke idok?
sudirman ~ muat kot. time tu kan akak dah slim balik..he he
lupe nak tanye... how's the position of the baby after the latest chckup..?
tak saba nak besalin kan...
ct ~ he's head down. alhamdulillah he turned and gynea said insyaAllah he'll stay in that position until birth. cuma taktau if he can turn into the correct position for birth or not. his sister and brother could not. masa check-up last friday, he was already 3.3kg *gulp*
comel! ingat nak refurbish room budak2 ni, tapi nantilah dulu, mamanya stress tak habis study lagi ni
ummu auni ~ ish.. awak relaks2 dulu. kan tak berapa sihat tu. it always excites me bila nak buat kerja refurbish nih. yang penting kena plan betul2 and kalau bilik anak2, eloklah buat the one that 'grow with the kids' so tak perlu nak tukar2 banyak kali. unless we have like berbakul2 duit lah kan...
Salam. akak berapa akak beli katil ni? beli kat ikea eh? :) email saya boleh? thankss. hope akak dpt bantu.
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