life123 - gems, and it ain's shining
Selamat menghadiri dan menghabiskan kursus 2 hari. Alhamdulillah, sekarang I have some ideas on how to go about doing my tasks. The company decided to change to a new system, which incorporates all (eventually) other systems, company-wide. Since I am one of the humble users of one of the humble systems, I knew I need to get myself equipped with the appropriate knowledge to keep current. The training used mock-data, which we successfully played around with. I just hope when I extracted the actual ones, I will be as successful. I still think the old system I’ve been using is better. It offers more flexibility I think. But then, ‘tak kenal maka tak cinta’, right. Let’s just try it out first and comment more later, kan.
The training was done in Jalan Gurney. Given the fact that it rains almost every late afternoon these days, and that I needed to travel to Menara before departing from the office and go home, the trainer’s offer to let us off a bit early, was more than welcomed. But we needed to cooperate with the schedule given. The problem was that, there was a lady. I have no problems with her groovy dressing or even plunging neckline she had on, but, she was often late. She came back form tea-break ½ hour late. And we waited for her for ½ hour more after lunch. To me, that’s 1 hour she owed each and every one of us. We still went off a bit early, but a later than expected tho. That was not all. When we were becoming uneasy as it was running late, she had the guts to say out loud ‘ala, baru pukul 4 lebih’. And the next day, she told the class ‘datang lambat pun boleh pandai’. I just hope I wont have to attend any more classed with her. Btw, I don’t like the big earrings she had on, on the second day.Okay, now off to better and happier notes.
I finally able to load the photos of ‘PAU KACANG MERAH’ I did last weekend. Something had happened also, do check it out here. I am so into cooking these days, tho it wasn’t really voluntary in the first place. Cooking, was not one of the fact that brings my husband to finally ask my hand in marriage, because.. basically I couldn’t cook well. And now, Kakak refuses most ‘take-away’s. We used to tapau nasi goreng, for example. She used to finish the whole thing but now she decided to just ate 2 or 3 spoolful. But she will eat a lot if it’s homecooked, even when it goes by the same name i.e. nasi goreng. So, I need to sharpen my cooking skill and venture into other kind of cookings, other than just nasi goreng that is. And my husband, told me how proud he is that I finally able to cook better. Yang, I think I know why the kids are getting so manja with us nowadays. Sebab makan ‘air tangan’ kita kot. Like they say, the way to the heart, is through the stomach. Well, at least among other ways, kan. Enough ramblings. Do also check CRISPY TOFU FINGERS here. It was a hit back in No. 49. I had planned to keep some and freeze for weekdays breakfast but we ended up eating the whole thing. Kakak was so liking it, petang tu dok tanya lagi, kot-kot ada lagi. The recipe is here, btw.
Nota -
1. Set tilam dan bantal kucing tu was originally bought for Kakak as 1st step to teach her to sleep on her own. Now the thing is a permanent fixture at our living area. She's still sleeping with us, btw.
2. That hotdog thing, I did for our dinner. We bought Jusco Selection's (namanya ada cheese something) but it was overly salty to our liking. Nevertheless, the plates were squeaky clean after dinner (just to note- that was before washing)
me also tgh sharpen up my cooking skill. cooking is always my passion, cuma tak de le expert sgt. but married to a guy whose mother is a good cook, i am "teruja" to learn more cooking from my MIL. weekend esp on Saturday is my trial day. weekdays usually masak simple dimple je...
i always go to for more recipies.
hihihi...nampaknya, saya pon kena start belajar masak jugak...walaupun kekadang rasa cam tak larat, tapi a simple dishes like telur masak tomato dan ikan bilis pon, dah bleh buat si Mira makan bertambah...
akak.. saya punye menu saya pun tatau nak panggil ape.. in general jek nama die.. nasik goreng, masak ikan, masak daging, goreng ayam.. ahahahha.. ntah apa-apa ntah..
ct ~ i pulak, am married to a man whose mother is an excellent cook and the man himself loves to eat and cook. like you, trial besar2an selalunya i do on weekends. kalau setakat finger-food, weekdays pun boleh try, depending on pukul berapa i sampai rumah!i oso go there to cari idea lahh.. jeles kan tengok dia masak macam2.
oren ~ yahh... marilah kita buat hijrah sempena maal hijrah ni. pn oren sangat betul. simple meals pun dah mampu 'mengikat' sayang anak-anak pada kita. PLUS... masa masak tu, doalah banyak. semoga apa yang kita masak tu mengeratkan hubungan dan menyihatkan badan. dan dirumah tak guna ajinomoto kan...
siku|at ~ *apalah yang ada pada nama*. janji sodap dan anak2 kita dan bapak kepada anak2 kita makan dengan riangria nya. dan kita pun sama2 riangria jugak.
betul betul.. budak duorang tuh, kalau saya masak yg ntah ape ape namenye tuh.. makan bersungguh-sungguh.. siap nyanyi-nyanyi lagi..
mirul kalau saya masak mee goreng.. dia siap dendangkan lagu "yeye.. mee goreng sedap.. yeye.. mee goreng sedap.. ,pastu siap buat-buat tanya "Mama..kita nak makan mee goreng sedap ke ?? "
nnt yati pi umah semah, semah mskla mee goreng sedap tuh..idlan nak rasa gak hehe
ahaha.. sedap kat Amirul aje.. Ntah apelah definition sedap dia ntah.. akakaka.. tidak tidak..segan nak bagi orang lain makan.. wuu Wuuuuwuuu..
mmg air tangan ibu tu power, anak2 boleh makan bertambah.
mcm ummi n ct, saya pun dpt mil yg excellent cook. tp awal2 sblm kawin saya bg tau dia yg saya ni tak pandai masak. luckly dia sangat memahami. n dia pun tak lokek nak tunjuk ajar masakan yg sya nak belajar, esp. feveret suami.
betul, kalau kita masak sempoi pun, takat telur goreng masak kicap, mmg laju anak2 makan. kadang bertambah dua tiga pinggan. tu yg rasa berbaloi sgt masuk dapurkan.
saya dah hampir 9 thn kawin ni, rasanya skill memasak lum capai tahap excellent, nak kena polish lagi nih..
pendek kata, sama samalah kita belajar masak selagi hayat masih ada hehe.
kak long ~ samalah kita. MIL pandai masak and awal2 lagi dah ngaku kita tak berapa terer di dapur ni! belajar tu kan lifelong activities so sama2lah kita terus belajar dan belajar.
sikulat ~ org lain kata tak sedap takpe, asalkan family kita sukerr..
yati ~ jom kita serang rumah smahh jommm
couldn't help laughing at the 'big earrings' bit.. I often drop by and menyibuk at Ilish's office in Jalan Gurney tu, and more often than not met fellow friends who have trainings there; recently one friend bagitau kursus dia lunch break lama giler.. so I guess lebih kurang your case.
been wondering about the picture of the cat mattress until baca explanation ummi kat bawah baru le tau tu empunya si kakak rupanya :) agaknye when's the right time to wean our children from our beds ek?
ilsa ~ seriously. punya besar earring dia, i couldn't help staring. actually at 2 yo dah kena tidur sendiri. *blue skit* kang kot dia nampak apa2 aksi 18sx kang... susah kita. pastu kot dia pi bagitau orang lain?? *haru* *haru*. anyway, kakak is back sleeping with us :( (godness, she's 6 this year!)
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